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人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 14. Listening Pre-listening 1. Do you know what kind of people work at a zoo? What do they do? There are different kinds of people who.

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1 人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 14

2 Listening

3 Pre-listening 1. Do you know what kind of people work at a zoo? What do they do? There are different kinds of people who are working in a zoo, including zoo keepers, curators, veterinary staff and so on. Zoo keepers take 1. Do you know what kind of people work at a zoo? What do they do? There are different kinds of people who are working in a zoo, including zoo keepers, curators, veterinary staff and so on. Zoo keepers take

4 care of animals. Veterinary staff give treatment to animals when they are ill. Curators take care of the jobs in the zoo.

5 2. What are some of problems animals may have in a zoo? In the zoo animals may fall ill, lack exercise, lose the ability to hunt for food by themselves, ect. 2. What are some of problems animals may have in a zoo? In the zoo animals may fall ill, lack exercise, lose the ability to hunt for food by themselves, ect.

6 3. What could be done to solve these problems? If an animal falls ill, veterinary staff will give treatment to it. As for exercise and the ability to hunt for food, I think we’d better let them return to nature. For example, we can let them live in nature parks. 3. What could be done to solve these problems? If an animal falls ill, veterinary staff will give treatment to it. As for exercise and the ability to hunt for food, I think we’d better let them return to nature. For example, we can let them live in nature parks.

7 Listening on P119 1. What does Mary do at the zoo? Mary is a zoologist whose job is to make life more interesting and comfortable for the animals. 1. What does Mary do at the zoo? Mary is a zoologist whose job is to make life more interesting and comfortable for the animals. Part 1

8 2. What is the problem with the animals at the zoo? Animals in a zoo often become bored and unhappy. 2. What is the problem with the animals at the zoo? Animals in a zoo often become bored and unhappy.

9 3. How do the zoo-keepers give the animals exercise? The zoo-keepers give the animals objects or change their environment so that the animals can have exercise for the mind and body. 3. How do the zoo-keepers give the animals exercise? The zoo-keepers give the animals objects or change their environment so that the animals can have exercise for the mind and body.

10 4. What do the zoo-keepers do to make the animals feel more comfortable? The zoo-keepers try to get the animals to interact with their environment and use their natural skills and behaviour. If the animals get to use the same skills that they use in the wild, they will feel more comfortable. 4. What do the zoo-keepers do to make the animals feel more comfortable? The zoo-keepers try to get the animals to interact with their environment and use their natural skills and behaviour. If the animals get to use the same skills that they use in the wild, they will feel more comfortable.

11 Part 2 Food 1. If the animals have to search for the food, if the food looks or tastes different, the animals will enjoy it more. 2. The animals can be given unusual food, such as a block of ice with meat or a bone inside.

12 Smells 1. It is possible to stimulate the animals by changing the smell of their environment. 2. Perfumes and spices can be used to make the animals interested.

13 Objects 1. A tree, a box, or something unusual gives the animals something to explore and play with. 2. Changes in the environment stimulate the animals.

14 Training 1. Games and other activities give the animals a chance to make choices and solve problems.

15 Training 2. The things they have learnt, such as lifting a leg or paw, can be used to make it easier for zookeepers to examine injured animals.

16 Listening text R = Reporter M = Mary Jones Part 1 The next time you visit a zoo, try to imagine what it would be like to live in a cage, far away from home. It doesn’t seem like too much fun, does it ? In

17 order to find out more about how animals are treated at the zoo, we spoke to Mary Jones, who is a zoologist at a large zoo. R: Good morning, Mary. Thanks for talking to us. Can you tell us about your job at the zoo?

18 M: I’d be happy too. My job is to make life more interesting for the animals here. As you can imagine, many animals become bored and unhappy when they live in a zoo. Just like you and me, they need things to do and they need

19 challenges. If life is too dull and easy, they can even get sick and die. R: So what do you do to help them? M: What we try to do is get the animals to interact with their environment and use their natural skills and behaviours. By giving the

20 animals objects or changing their environment. zoo-keepers can give the animals exercise for both the body and the mind. If the animals get to use the same skills that they might use in the wild, they will feel more comfortable.

21 Part 2 R: How can you make animals feel more comfortable? M: Since many wild animals spend most of their time hunting or looking for food, we often use food to stimulate the animals. If the animals have to search for the

22 food, if the food looks or tastes different, the animals will enjoy it more. Sometimes we give them unusual food, such as a block of ice with meat or bone inside. Our tigers love this and use different ways to get the ice to melt — one tiger put it in the pool to make it melt faster.

23 R: That sounds like fun! M: We can also stimulate the animals by changing the smell of their environment. In the wild, different smells tell the animals who has visited and who lives there. We sometimes use perfumes and spices to make the animals interested.

24 R: What else do you do? M: Another way to change the environment is to put new objects in it. A tree, a box. Or something unusual gives the animals something to explore and play with. It can also make the animals feel happier.

25 R: I see. M: Finally, animals love to learn. We use games and other activities to give the animals a chance to make choices and solve problems. When animals play and understand a game, they feel more comfortable and enjoy their

26 environment more. We also use the things they have learnt, such as lifting a leg or paw, to make it easier for zoo- keepers to examine injured animals.

27 Listening on P249 Part 1 Part 2

28 Listening text Part 1 (A bee-keeper talks about collecting honey from bees.) Once upon a time, bee-keepers killed their bees every autumn. Why, you may ask. Well, the answer is this. To get some honey, bee-keepers and

29 farmers used to put out small wooden boxes in a corner of the farmyard. Bees would come and fill the box with honeycomb. However, there was no way of getting the honey out without killing the bees. So they used to burn a chemical close to the box in order to kill the bees and

30 then take the honey. Now, bee-keepers use beehives to collect honey. In the beehive there are a number of wooden squares with spaces between them which can be lifted out. In late summer, the squares, which are now full of honeycomb, are lifted out. The

31 squares are put in a special machine and turned round and round very fast for several minutes. Turning the squares round and round like this forces out. The honey. The honey is then collected and poured into jars. After that, the empty squares are

32 returned to the hive for the bees to fill with honey the following year. Bees need food to live through the winter. That ’ s why they make honey. Bee-keepers can do one of two things. Either they can leave some of the honey in the hive for the bees to eat

33 during the winter. Or else they can remove all the honey and provide the bees with a mixture of sugar and water for the bees to eat instead.

34 Part 2 J=James, a birdwatcher R=Reporter R: Welcome to Poyang Lake in northeastern Jiangxi. We are here with a group of people who have come to look at the famous white cranes that nest here every year. Before we talk more about the

35 cranes, we will ask James, one of the birdwatchers, to tell us about his hobby. Hello, James. J: Hello. It’s a beautiful morning, isn’t it? R: Yes, it is. James, you’ve been a birdwatcher for many years. What made you choose this bobby?

36 J: Well, I’ve always loved the outdoors. When I was a child, my mother would always tell me about the birds we saw. I wanted to learn about the birds, too. This hobby is a great way to combine travel, learning and exercise. R: Why are you here in jiangxi goday?

37 J: As you know, Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China. There are some 116 species of birds coming to Poyang Lake in winter. After spending the winter here, they return home. It’s a paradise for birdwatchers! R: Why do the birds choose this place?

38 J: Well, it’s warm here, and there’s lots of water and food. R: So this must be a very important place for the birds? J: Yes, it is. The government has made laws to protect the birds and to make sure that this remains a safe place for birds in winter.

39 R: Many of us know that the famous white crane comes to Poyang Lake in winter. What can you tell us about the white crane? J: It’s one of the fifteen species of cranes in the world. China is home to eight or nine of the species,

40 including some rare and very beautiful cranes like the white crane. It’s one of the most endangered crane species, and we must do what we can to protect it. The white crane divides its time between Russia and China, and Poyang Lake is one of

41 the most important places for them. R: Thank you. Now let ’ s go look at the birds!

42 Homework Preview the Reading part.

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