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Dictionary Assignment By John Li 11 A. Qualitative Information  Data can be observed but not measured  For example, today is very hot is one of the.

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1 Dictionary Assignment By John Li 11 A

2 Qualitative Information  Data can be observed but not measured  For example, today is very hot is one of the qualitative information

3 Quantitative Information  Data which can be measured  For example, 42 ℃ is one kind of quantitative information

4 Observation  Use one of one or more senses to gather the information  Observation of natural phenomena

5 Interpretation  The action of explaining the meaning of something  Children often give different interpretations of the experiments

6 Description  A spoken or written account of some details during the experiments  We should write the description during the experiments

7 Data  Facts that collected during the experiments  Record the data is one of the most important processes during the experiments

8 Experiment  Procedure undertaken to make a discovery  We can test out theories by experiments

9 Hypothesis  A proposes explanation made on the basis of limited (the result is uncertain.)  We should raise a hypothesis before the experiment

10 Theory  A supposition of ideas intended to explain something ( result is certain. )  Darwin’s theory of evolution is one of the theory

11 Law  It explains things, but they do not describe them.  Consider Newton's law of gravity

12 Matter  The physical substance in general  The entire universe is mad of different kinds of matters

13 Physical Property  Color, shape, mass, volume, density weight  Malleability, ductility  Boiling point, melting point  We can get the physical property by our eyes

14 Chemical Property  It is any of a material's properties that becomes evident during, or after, a chemical property  Flammability is one of chemical property.

15 Extensive Property  It depend on the amount of matter that is present.  Extensive property include volume and mass

16 Intensive Property  It does not depend on the amount of matter that is present  Intensive property include boiling point and density

17 Solids  Firm and stable in shape  Melted wax becomes solid when it cools

18 Liquids  A substance that flows freely but is of constant volume.  Water is one of the liquids

19 Gases  An air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available  Oxygen is gas at ordinary temperature

20 Hardness  Hardness is the ability of a solid to resist abrasion or scratching  We know the hardness of ice, so we can walk on this frozen lake

21 Malleability  Malleability is the ability to be rolled or hammered into thin sheets  This object is solid but it has malleability

22 Ductility  Ductility is the ability to be stretched or drawn into wires  The iron wire has the great ductility

23 Luster  Luster is the manner in which a solid surface reflects light  This is a pearl with a beautiful luster

24 Viscosity  Viscosity is the resistance of fluid to flow  Different kinds of fluid have different viscosities

25 Diffusion  Diffusion is the intermingling of fluids as a result of motion within the fluid  The diffusion between water and vinegar

26 Vapour  Vapour is the gaseous material formed by the evaporation of a substance which boils above room temperature  When we are boiling water, there will be many water vapour

27 Element  An element is a substance which cannot be separated into simpler substances as a result of any chemical process  Hydrogen and oxygen are elements, but water is not

28 Atom  The smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist  For example, Ag is one of the atoms

29 Molecule  A group of atoms bonded together  For example, H2O is one of the molecules

30 Ion  An atom or molecule with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons  For example, NO3- is one of the Ions

31 Particle  Used to describe a small bit of matter such as an atom, molecule and iron  There are many particles around our life, it is unhealthy for us

32 Homogenous Substance  The substance consisting of only one phase  For example, water is one of the homogenous substances

33 Heterogeneous substance  The substance consisting of more than one phase  For example, pencil is one of the heterogeneous substances

34 Pure Substance  The substance is homogeneous and has an unchangeable composition  For example, sugar is one of the pure substances

35 Mixture  A substance made by mixing other substances together  When salt dissolved in water, it will be mixture

36 Mechanical Mixture  A heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances  For example, desk is one of the mechanical mixture

37 Solution  It is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances  Solution includes solvent and solute

38 solvent  Able to dissolve other substances  Water is one of the solvent

39 Solute  The substance that able to be dissolved by other solvents  When salt is dissolved into water, the salt is solute

40 Compound  A thing that is composed of two or more separate elements  For example, salt(sodium chloride) is one of the compound

41 Homogenous Mixture  Changeable composition, but each particular composition has unchanging, uniform physical properties  Coffee is the example of the homogenous mixture

42 Heterogeneous Mixture  Each component present has different physical properties, regardless of composition  When oil mix into water, it will become heterogeneous mixture

43 Filtration  Allow the separation of liquids from solids  We can use filtration to clean water

44 Filtrate  A liquid which has passed through a filter  The filtrate is cleaner than before

45 Residue  A substance that remains after a process such as combustion or evaporation  Residue is solid.

46 Distillation  The separation to separate liquid-in-liquid solution  the distillate is the result during the distillation

47 Solvent Extraction  Extraction of a dissolved liquid or solid from a liquid solution  We can use solvent extraction to separate liquid-in-liquid solution

48 Recrystallization  It is a variation on the method of evaporation in which the solid in a solid-in- liquid solution is separated in a pure and crystalline stated  We can get crystalline during the recrystallization

49 Gravity Separation  Used to separate desired solids from a mechanical mixture(based on their density)  We can use gravity separation to separate the juice, such as watermelon juice

50 Chromatography  An apparatus for performing chromatography  We should use alcohol to do the chromatography

51 Chemical Change  It is a change which create new substances  There is chemical change during the burning

52 Physical Change  It is change in which do not create new substance  Melting is one of the physical change

53 Kinetic Energy  It is energy that many molecules’ motion  There are three types of kinetic energy, they are rotational energy, vibrational energy and translation energy

54 Rotational Energy  Causes a molecule to rotate around one of its axes  Centre of rotation is one of the rotational way

55 Vibrational Energy  Changes the bond lengths and angles between atoms in a molecule  It can move freer than rotational energy

56 Translational Energy  Causes the molecule to travel in a straight line from place to place  It can lets molecules move to anyplaces

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