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Green Growth & Green lifestyle Indicators Jaewon Lee Statistical Research Institute Statistics Korea 2012. 5.22.

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1 Green Growth & Green lifestyle Indicators Jaewon Lee Statistical Research Institute Statistics Korea 2012. 5.22.

2 1.Background 2.Green Growth Indicators 3.Green Lifestyle Indicators 4.Use in Policy Contents

3 1. Background on Developing Green Growth & Green Lifestyle Indicators

4 4/44 Virtuous cycle of environment and economy Improved quality and green innovation of everyday life Worsening environmental danger due to global warming Need for new growth engine Paradigm Shift for National Development Paradigm Shift for National Development  Five-Year Plan for Green Growth : KOSTAT oversees production of “green industry statistics” Develop Green Industry Statistics SEEA Green industry statistics 1.1 Domestic Surroundings for Green Economy Statistics ‘Low Carbon Green Growth’ as new vision for nation ‘Low Carbon Green Growth’ as new vision for nation Green growth & Green lifestyle indicators Support Low Carbon Green Growth

5 5/20 1.2 Relationship between Green Economy Statistics Green Industry Statistics Green Growth Indicator Green Lifestyle Indicator SEEA

6 6/44 Establish meta information -Definition by indicator, policy relevance - Policy goals for evaluation by indicator Planning for compiling yet to be collected data Definition Framework Design Indicator Selection Individual Indicator Information Utilization Plan Determine the concept of green growth/green life-style Scope and definition Provide theoretical background of indicator system -Green Growth policy and related laws - Indicator system for international comparison Set Indicator POOL Select tentative indicators - Consider area experts’ insights - Review policy relevance, reliability of data, etc. Indicator Analysis -Targeted Indicator values - Standardization of indicator values - Explain indicator status 1.3 Developing Process for Green growth & Green Lifestyle Indicators

7 2. Green Growth indicators

8 8/44 ☞ Based on Green Growth Policy structure * 3 Strategies & 10 policy direction in the 5-year action plan ☞ Based on I-P-O Model (Input-Process-Output) ☞ Detailed Indicator List*(62) ⇒ Core Indicators(30) * List includes indicators yet to be collected that are critical for green growth policies 2.1 Framework of Green Growth Indicators

9 2.2 Green Growth Indicators Strategy Ⅰ : Climate Change Response and Energy Self-reliance Police DirectionIndicators 2005~2009 Recent TrendAssessment Effective reduction of GHG emissions GHG Emission per unit of GDP ↘↗↘↗ Total GHG Emissions ↗ GHG absorption by forests ↗ Enhancing energy self-reliance for post petroleum paradigm Energy consumption per unit of GDP ↘ ↗↘ ↗ Share of self-development of oil and gas ↗ Share of new and renewable energy ↗ Enhancing climate change responses Self-sufficiency rate of food ↘↗ Accuracy of rainfall forecast ↗↘↗↘ Government budget dedicated to disaster prevention ↗

10 Strategy Ⅱ : Creating New Growth Engine Police DirectionIndicators 2005~2009 Recent TrendAssessment Planning green technology development for growth engine Share of green R&D in government R&D expenditures ↗ Share of GDP dedicated to total R&D expenditures ↗ Number of international patent applications ↗ Greening industries and fostering green industries Domestic material consumption per unit of GDP ↘ Share of environmental industry sales ↗ New and renewable energy industries ↗

11 Police DirectionIndicators 2005~2009 Recent TrendAssessment Enhancing industrial structures Share of total added value in service industries ↗↘ Share of added value in service industries ↗ Share of total added value in information and communications industries ↗ Forming foundation for green economy Government-purchased GHG reduction ↗ Number of ISO14001-certified businesses ↗ Share of environmental taxes in overall revenues ↘↗ Strategy Ⅱ : Creating New Growth Engine

12 Police Direction Indicators 2005~2009 Recent TrendAssessment Creating green territory & transportation Urban green space per capita ↗ Share of public passenger transportation between different regions ↗↘↗↘ Share of GDP dedicated to environmental protection expenditures ↗ Green revolution in life Household energy consumption per capita ↘ ↗↘ ↗ Municipal water use per capita ↘ Municipal waste generation per capita ↗↘↗↘ Becoming a role model nation of green growth GHG reduction certification under CDM ↗ Share of ODA in GNI ↘↗ Share of green ODA in ODA ↗ Strategy Ⅲ : Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing National Status

13 3. Green Lifestyle indicators

14 14/44 Research on Developing Indicator System (Indicator Selection) Application (evaluating and publicizing green lifestyle policies) Conduct Pilot Survey Conduct Green Life Survey (9,700 households) Collect Administrative Data Data Analysis and Data Release 3.1 Developing Process for Green Lifestyle Indicators

15 3.2 Green lifestyle Indicators AreasIndicators Purchasing eco- friendly products Purchasing products with eco symbol Purchasing low-carbon products Purchasing energy efficient products Purchasing organic foods Purchasing local foods Checking food additives Purchasing refill products 3.2.1. Green Lifestyle at Home

16 AreasIndicators Energy Efficiency Unplugging electronics when not in use Wearing long underwear in winter Using energy efficient electric appliances Maintaining proper indoor temperature in summer & winter Resource saving and recycling Saving water Separating recyclable wastes by material type Using recycled cartridge or refill Reducing waste Reducing synthetic detergent Reducing food waste Using reusable grocery bags

17 3.2.2. Green Lifestyle in Transportation AreasIndicators Eco-driving Participating in the no-driving every-5 th -day system Recording information for car management Practicing eco-driving Using eco- friendly transportation Commuting by public transport Commuting by bicycle

18 AreasIndicators Environmental Issues Level of concern about climate change in daily life Opinions on environmental degradation caused by human lifestyle Participating green movements Opinion on dealing with environmental problem System for green lifestyle Awareness of carbon point system Awareness of eco symbol Awareness of carbon footprint symbol Awareness of energy efficiency grade symbol Green lifestyle at work Using own cup Separating recyclable wastes at workplace Unplugging electronics at workplace when not in use Reusing paper at workplace 3.2.3. Green Lifestyle in Community

19 4. Use in Policy

20 4.1 Utilization of Green Growth and Lifestyle Indicators Policy Evaluation Comparison Standard Check Current Standing Statistics yet to be collected National Policies Construct Database 20/44  Construct database of green growth statistics  Enhance credibility of establishing national policies on green growth  Provide comparison standard for comparing green growth between advanced countries and Korea  Check current standing of green growth and provide directions for improvement  Evaluate green growth policy outcome  Promote collection of green growth statistics Green growth & lifestyle indicators

21 21/20 4.2 Publicizing Government Policies for Green Lifestyle Homepage for Green lifestyle publicity

22 22/20 4.2 Publicizing Green Lifestyle Indicators Homepage for Green lifestyle publicity Thank you

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