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Post WWI & Great Depression. Europe’s mood after WWI.

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Presentation on theme: "Post WWI & Great Depression. Europe’s mood after WWI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Post WWI & Great Depression

2 Europe’s mood after WWI

3 Europe after WWI

4 Transformation of Europe  Period of Social Change  Scientific and Cultural Transformation  German Hyperinflation

5 Social Changes of the 20’s  Class distinctions faded as role of aristocracy declined  Government expansion led to more “white-collar” jobs (office work, business, etc)  Advancements in technology slowed of working class  Women earned the right to vote  Did not effect politics as women voted like male relatives

6 German Hyperinflation  German economy collapsed in 1923  Treaty of Versailles  Loss of territory  War Guilt Clause  Had to pay the winners back for the war  Leads to Hyper-inflation

7 What does hyperinflation look like?  What can you do with German money in 1923?  Make a fort (above) or burn it for heat (right)

8 Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe


10 The Dawes Plan Allies GermanyUnited States High Interest Loans War Reparations Interest on War Debts

11 The Great Depression CausesEffects  Agricultural Depression  Bank Failures  Overproduction of Goods  Credit  Decline of world trade  Massive unemployment  Global decline in industrial production  Poverty and hunger widespread

12 Reactions to the Depression  Government Changes  The New Deal  Keynesian Economics  Greater government role in the economy  Political Radicalization  Rise of communist and fascist parties  Germany and Japan turn to state controlled economic growth

13 Fascism  Mussolini – Italy (1922)  One- party dictatorship  Took over all positions in government, the press, public education, and gave employers control over workers  Extreme form of nationalism  Powerful secret police  Fascism appealed to people who feared:  Rapid change & economic instability

14 Totalitarianism and Mass Mobilization  Characteristics:  Attack liberal democracy and capitalism  State directed economy  State more important than the individual  Charismatic dictators  Depend upon mobilization of the masses  Embrace public welfare programs  Use censorship and propaganda  Women not permitted a public role

15 Adolf Hitler Rise of HitlerReforms by Hitler  Austrian  Served in World War I  Became chancellor of Germany in 1933  Ignores the Treaty of Versailles  Ends war reparations payments  Remilitarizes Germany

16 Japan  Authoritarian  Want to get out of the Great Depression  Some working class parties  Government fell into the hands of a nationalist military group  Began aggressively attacking areas of Asia

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