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Anthony Indelicato DOE-Princeton Site Office December 2012 Construction Progress Review for the NSTX Upgrade Project Construction Progress Review for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthony Indelicato DOE-Princeton Site Office December 2012 Construction Progress Review for the NSTX Upgrade Project Construction Progress Review for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthony Indelicato DOE-Princeton Site Office December 2012 Construction Progress Review for the NSTX Upgrade Project Construction Progress Review for the NSTX Upgrade Project U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office 1

2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office Increase toroidal field: 0.5T > 1.0T Increase plasma current:1 MA > 2 MA Increase pulse length:1.0 s > 5 sIncrease NB heating: 5-7MW > 10-14MW New Center Stack Inner TF bundle, TF joint, OH & inner PF coils Upgraded TF coil support structure Existing outer TF coils w/ reinstated water cooling Exst’g outer PF coils – 6 total New PF coil support structure Reinforce umbrella structure Also…modify coil power system, protection system & ancillary support systems What’s the proposed workscope? 2

3 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office Add 2 nd Beamline Decon, recondition and install Install 3 HVEs Relocate from TC basement New NB port New NB armor Modify Vacuum Vessel New Vacuum Pump Duct (below) Also…modify existing power system and ancillary support systems Workscope… continued 3

4 TPC=$94.3M Contingency: $11.3M (or 30% of ‘to go’) Today CD-0 CD-1 CD-2 CD-3 CD-4 Feb 09 Sep 15 Dec 11 Dec 10 Apr 10 FY09FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14FY15 $5.2$9.0$9.9$20.5$22.8$23.7$3.2 stdadv CD-3 Overdrive Budget odometer U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office How’s spending? $38.9M to go EF 1/4 1/2 3/4 14 months of schedule contingency (or 52% of ‘to go’) 4 $44.1M spent

5 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office How’s the performance so far? SPI = 1.06 & CPI = 1.00 54% complete Contingency = 30% of ‘to go’ costs Budget at completion = $82.7 Estimate at completion = $83.9 Level 2 milestones:  Past = completed on or ahead of schedule  Ahead = early completion anticipated 5  All scope remains as planned.  TPC remains ‘on-target’.  CD-4 date remains ‘on-target’ with promise of early finish.  Concern: FY13+ Presidential Budget How’s the baseline?

6 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office Risks and Concerns NSTX-U future funding profile: FY 13 President’s budget provides reduced funding to PPPL...  Institutional impacts are high  NSTX-U would be adversely impacted : -Reduction in Lab-wide human resource support... Added risk. -Slow down of schedule (due to a constrained budget profile) will add cost. Actions:  PPPL continues to work closely with PSO and FES to understand impacts of the budget cuts.  The Project developed actionable plans based on differing funding scenarios to determine the impacts on the project.  Early delivery date of the project will be significantly reduced, but project can still meet CD-4 baseline date.  Worst case: If FY13 Budget comes in at President’s mark …AND… future year budgets remain at this reduced level for FY14, a re-baselining will be required for this project. 6

7 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office Thoughts  The Budget cycle is still unclear for FY13 and beyond.  Too early to react ( i.e., re-baseline ).. but precautionary institutional planning must be done.  The NSTX-U Project’s performance is still the #1 priority as stated by PPPL Directorship and agreed upon by FES.  The Project has built a nice buffer in schedule contingency to date... this will come in handy if budget is reduced.  Yes... there will be added cost risk to the project. 7

8 Construction Progress? U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office 8 Overall Progress is good... All construction efforts are well underway Vendor performance is good overall Critical Path... Remains through the construction of new Center Stack assembly Center Stack Fabrication facility is on line Entering the “riskiest” stage of construction: potting of quadrants & full center bundle, and OH coil winding Management... EVMS system in place and fully functioning (Annual Internal Surveillance complete) Construction proceeding well on the accelerated schedule. All previous Review Recommendations addressed. Project is getting the resources it needs.

9 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office Post CD-3 efforts are proceeding well…  Good performance to date.  Good communication between PPPL and Site Office.  Estimates are updated and remain well within plan.  Funding and human resources are in place.  Elements of DOE Order 413.3B are met. 9 Conclusion PSO, PPPL and FES must work together as the FY13 budget evolves and assess the impact to NSTX-U and PPPL.

10 Back-up Slides 10

11 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Science Princeton Site Office Charge Questions 1.Construction Efforts: Are construction efforts being executed safely? Yes Does the project have adequate resources and the appropriate skills mix to execute the project per the plan? Yes 2.Baseline Cost and Schedule: Are the current project cost and schedule projections consistent with the approved baseline cost and schedule? Yes Is the contingency remaining adequate for the risks that remain? Yes 3.Management: Evaluate the management structure as to its adequacy to deliver the scope within budget and schedule. Are risks being actively managed? Yes 4.Response to Prior Reviews: Has the Integrated Project Team implemented all required actions in the Corrective Action Plan that was developed following the Project Status review from May 2012? Yes 11

12 12 PROJECT STATUS as of 10/30/12 Project TypeMIE CD-1Planned: Dec 09Actual: Apr 10 CD-2Planned: Dec 10Actual: Jan 11 CD-3Baseline: Jan 12Actual: Dec 11 CD-4Baseline: Sep 15Forecast: Aug 14 TPC Percent CompletePlanned: 44.4%Actual: 47% TPC Cost to Date$44.1M TPC Committed to Date$1.8M TPC$94.3M TEC$83.9M Contingency Cost (w/Mgmt Reserve)$11.3M29.4% to go Contingency Schedule on CD-414 months52% to go CPI Cumulative1.00 SPI Cumulative1.06

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