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VENDOR INFORMATION AND VOUCHERING UPDATE Stacie Massey, Administrative Officer Logistics, Facilities, Fiscal, and Grant Monitoring Office-614 889-7175.

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Presentation on theme: "VENDOR INFORMATION AND VOUCHERING UPDATE Stacie Massey, Administrative Officer Logistics, Facilities, Fiscal, and Grant Monitoring Office-614 889-7175."— Presentation transcript:

1 VENDOR INFORMATION AND VOUCHERING UPDATE Stacie Massey, Administrative Officer Logistics, Facilities, Fiscal, and Grant Monitoring Office-614 889-7175 E-mail-

2 Ohio EMA Fiscal Transition to Ohio Shared Services (OSS) Beginning November 18, 2013 subsidy payments will be processed by OSS and not Ohio EMA fiscal OSS is a division of the state’s Office of Budget and Management and consolidates management of business activities such as accounts payable for state agencies OSS is already processing non-subsidy accounts payable for Ohio EMA

3 How does this impact me? Payment requests will follow same submission process Vendor information filed with the State needs to be correct (i.e. address, EFT information for EMA physical address., etc.) – September 24, 2013 memo went out to those impacted May not be able to accommodate rush requests or guarantee a payment date May have to contact OSS on payment status – Might want to start with Ohio EMA fiscal first to see when it was sent to OSS

4 OSS Contact Information Vendor Forms dorsForms.aspx dorsForms.aspx – Remember all vendor forms are returned to OSS and NOT Ohio EMA Payment Status & Vendor Information Inquiry – 1-877-644-6771 or (614) 338-4781

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