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Integrating IP in Teaching Curricula Piotr Zakrzewski University of Warsaw, Patent Office of the Republic of Poland Bucharest, November 18 and 19, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating IP in Teaching Curricula Piotr Zakrzewski University of Warsaw, Patent Office of the Republic of Poland Bucharest, November 18 and 19, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating IP in Teaching Curricula Piotr Zakrzewski University of Warsaw, Patent Office of the Republic of Poland Bucharest, November 18 and 19, 2015

2 IP system in Poland

3 Parametric Assessment cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Committee of Evaluation of Scientific Units at the development of parameters used for the assessment of scientific bodies with reference to obtaining industrial property rights involvement in creating best practices in the rules of intellectual property management

4 Indicator - innovativeness Inclusion of innovativeness and IP protection as the assessment criteria in the prestigious ranking of universities and academies prepared by Education Foundation “Perspektywy”

5 Legal background After: Since the academic year 2008/2009, intellectual property issues have been introduced as obligatory into syllabuses in all faculties of the higher education institutions Before: „Intellectual Property” optionally introducted to curriculum – individual decision of particular university Now … ?

6 Legal background - National Qualification Framework  National Qualification Framework – new „Law on higher education”  no unified teaching standards  results of teaching are the most important  one of the qualification should be basic knowledge of IP matters (IP protection) – must be included in the curricula

7 IP Management at Universities  University adopts internal regulations governing:  Rights and obligations of the University, employees, students, Phd students in the field of IPRs use and protection  Procedures of IP management and IP commercialization at the University  Regulations of authors/inventors’ remuneration 2016-06-28

8 New rule of ownership On the 1st October, 2014, Poland adopted a Law on Higher Education, which made it obligatory for all higher education institutions (120 public and 294 non-public) to have in place an up-to-date IP policy by March 31, 2015, so …. MANUAL

9  cooperation with University of Warsaw and Maria Curie- Skłodowska University in Lublin in the field of establishing postgraduate studies of intellectual property protection for future lecturers of this subject; - 220 hours - 5 editions - ca. 250 new IP trainers Train the trainers

10  preparation of educational materials for universities and academies (in cooperation with University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University and Kielce University of Technology): Educational materials

11 Educational materials - handbook - distribution of IP handbook (which was prepared in 2010)

12 Educational materials – PP presentations  PP presentations with commentary - authors – group of 12 specialists from JU - different number of hours (4, 15, 15, 10) - four versions: human science, exact science, managment and natural science

13 Thank you for your attention!

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