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How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying? Helen Ball Elementary Facts and Myths & Olweus Bullying Questionnaire results Presenter’s Note: This template includes questions from the How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying? Quiz (TM Tab 2, Doc. 7) & answers using Olweus data. This format may be used to present school-specific data. Consult with your OBPP Certified Trainer for assistance if needed. Consider having participants take the How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying? quiz now. All are false: Consider bringing a small “prize” for individuals who get all or most answers correct. Respond to questions. Answers are detailed in “Recognizing the Many Faces of Bullying” (SWG Doc. 1, TG pp. 9-30,) suggested reading assigned prior to the Staff Training. Materials may also be discussed during a Staff Discussion Group. Relevant Data from Luxenberg, Limber, & Olweus (2014) ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
1. True or False Studies suggest that fewer than 10% of children are involved in bullying problems in elementary, middle, or high school. False ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Percentage of Students Bullied 2-3 times/month or more
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Percentage of Students Bullied 2-3 times/month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) 18% of students were directly involved in bullying: - 15% had been bullied - 5% had bullied others In a survey of 20,000 students (3rd-12th grade) using the OBQ, anonymous self-reports, (in schools that had not implemented OBPP), we found that: 18% of students indicated that they had been bullied and/or had bullied others 2-3 times a month or more often in the previous couple of months: 15% had been bullied 13% had been bullied but had not bullied others 2% had been bullied and also had bullied others 5% had bullied others 3% had bullied others but had not been bullied 2% had bullied others and also had been bullied Similar percentages of girls and boys said they had been bullied. Luxenberg et al., 2014 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Prevalence of Bullying at Helen Ball Elementary
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Prevalence of Bullying at Helen Ball Elementary 11% of students reported being bullied 2-3 times a month or more often. 2% of students reported bullying others 2-3 times a month or more. Insert school-specific data (Table 3a & 5a) from OBQ Standard Report. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
2. True or False Students are more likely to be bullied in high school than in elementary or middle school. False ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Girls’ and Boys’ Experiences with Being Bullied
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Girls’ and Boys’ Experiences with Being Bullied 2-3 times/month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) From this same database, we see a very steady decrease in grades 3-12 in girls’ and boys’ reports of being bullied. Similar decreases with age have been reported in other studies, such as the National Crime Victimization Survey involving 6th-12th graders (Robers, Kemp, Truman, & Snyder, 2013). Luxenberg et al., 2014 Robers, S., Kemp, J., Truman, J, & Snyder, T. D. (2013). Indicators of School Crime and Safety: Retrieved from: Q4 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Girls’ and Boys’ Experiences with Bullying Others
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Girls’ and Boys’ Experiences with Bullying Others 2-3 times/month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) A different grade pattern emerges when students are asked if they have bullied others. From the OBQ database, we observed that: There are fairly steady rates of bullying others—for boys and girls between 3rd and 8th grade. In high school, the percent of girls who bully declines a bit, but the percent of boys who bully increases. Luxenberg et al., 2013 Q24 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Helen Ball Elementary Bullied Students by Grade
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Helen Ball Elementary Bullied Students by Grade [Insert % by grade level] Grade % were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more Grade % were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more Grade % were bullied 2-3 X/mo. or more Add grade levels in school & corresponding % from Table 3a in OBQ Standard Report. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Helen Ball Elementary Students Bullying Others by Grade
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Helen Ball Elementary Students Bullying Others by Grade Grade 3 3% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more Grade 4 2% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more Grade 5 0% bullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more Add grade levels in school & corresponding % from Table 5a in OBQ Standard Report. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
3. True or False Most bullying is physical in nature. False Although many equate bullying with “physical bullying”, the most common form of bullying reported by students is verbal bullying. TG, p. 18. Participants can assess frequency of 9 different types of bullying by examining results from Olweus Bullying Questionnaire (questions 5-13 and 25-33). ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Are Students Bullied?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data How Are Students Bullied? 2–3 times/ month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) The most common form of bullying (3rd-12th grades) for both boys and girls) was verbal bullying, followed by rumor-spreading and social exclusion. Physical bullying was experienced by 8% of boys and 5% of girls, compared to about 16% who experienced verbal bullying, 13% who had rumors spread about them, and 12% who reported being socially excluded. These findings are consistent with results from the National Crime Victimization Survey (Robers et al., 2013), which found that verbal bullying and rumor spreading were the most common types of bullying experienced by year-olds in that survey. Luxenberg et al (2014) Robers et al. (2013) Q5-Q13 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Types of Bullying Reported at Helen Ball Elementary
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Types of Bullying Reported at Helen Ball Elementary #1 “called mean names, made fun of, teased…” 11% of bullied students. #2 “told lies or rumors about me, tried to make others dislike me…”9% of bullied students. #3 “mean names, comments with a sexual meaning…” 6% of bullied students. #4 “left me out, excluded, ignored me…” 10% of bullied students. Change most frequent types of bullying on slide according to your school’s OBQ Standard Report, (Table 7). ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
How were you bullied? “I was bullied with mean names or comments about my race or color.” 5% girls say 2-3 x mo. or more 3% boys say 2-3 x mo. or more Certain types of bullying can cross the line to illegal behavior & pose not only a risk to schools & create a negative school climate—they also infringe on students civil rights. An example of 1 type of bullying from OBQ Standard Report, question #11. Insert actual number of boys & girls. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
4. True or False Girls are more likely than boys to bully others. False ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Girls’ and Boys’ Involvement in Bullying 2-3 times/month or more
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Girls’ and Boys’ Involvement in Bullying 2-3 times/month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) Boys were more likely than girls to bully, according to anonymous self-reports. (Similar findings have been reported by other national and international samples [Craig et al., 2009; Nansel et al., 2001]). As you can see here, 5% of girls said they had bullied others (orange + green pie pieces), whereas 7% of boys did. It is also TRUE that boys & girls use somewhat different forms of bullying. Craig et al. (2009) Luxenberg et al. (2014) Nansel et al. (2001) Bullied others Bullied by others Bullied others and was bullied Not involved ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Are Students Bullied?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data How Are Students Bullied? 2–3 times/ month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) Gender similarities and differences are very clearly seen here in boys’ and girls’ reports of being bullied. There are similarities: Verbal bullying was most frequently reported by both boys and girls. But there are clear differences: Boys are more likely to report being physically bullied and bullied about race. Both boys and girls experience relational bullying, but girls are more likely to experience rumor-spreading and social exclusion. Luxenberg et al., 2014 Q5-Q13 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Helen Ball Elementary Girls and Boys report:
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Helen Ball Elementary Girls and Boys report: 2% of girls report bullying others 2-3 X/mo. or more 5% of boys report bullying others 2-3 X/mo. or more 8% of girls bullied by girls 9% of girls bullied by boys 8% of boys bullied by girls 16% of boys bullied by boys Insert data from OBQ question 24 (see also Graphs 5a & 5b) & question 15. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Who is doing the bullying?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Who is doing the bullying? Most bullying at Helen Ball Elementary is reported to have come from: Both boys and girls % Mainly one boy 27% Mainly one girl 24% By several boys 11% By several girls 8% Insert data from OBQ question 15. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
5. True or False In recent years, cyberbullying has become one of the most common forms of bullying among students. False ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Are Students Bullied?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data How Are Students Bullied? 2–3 times/ month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) A relatively small percentage of students indicated that they had been cyber bullied (2-3 times a month or more)—6% of girls and 4% of boys--compared with verbal bullying, rumor-spreading, exclusion, and sexual bullying. This doesn’t mean that cyberbullying isn’t a concern. It is a concern—and educators often are frustrated to know how best to deal with this behavior that often occurs away from school but may affect students at school. Luxenberg et al., 2014 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Here at Helen Ball Elementary
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Here at Helen Ball Elementary Girls: .5% have been cyberbullied 2-3 X/mo. or more 0% have cyberbullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more When asked HOW they cyberbullied, 0# girls had done so at least once or twice, via internet and/or by cell phone. For information in the top half of the slide (% cyberbullying), insert relevant OBQ data from question 12a. For information in the bottom half of the slide (number who had been cyberbullied in different ways), insert relevant OBQ data from 32a and 32b. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Here at Helen Ball Elementary
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Here at Helen Ball Elementary Boys: 0% (compare % to girls’ responses) had been cyberbullied 2-3 X/mo. or more .6% had cyberbullied others 2-3 X/mo. or more When asked HOW they cyberbullied, 1 boy had done so at least once or twice, over the internet and/or on a cell phone For information in the top half of the slide (% cyberbullying), insert relevant OBQ data from question 12a. For information in the bottom half of the slide (number who had been cyberbullied in different ways), insert relevant OBQ data from 32a and 32b. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
6. True or False The vast majority of students who are bullied tell a teacher or other member of the school staff. False ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Reporting of Victimization
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Reporting of Victimization Many children do not report bullying to school staff. Older students and boys are less likely than younger students and girls to report their victimization. 30-60% of children do not report their victimization--at least not to adults at school or their parents. Reporting varies by age & gender. Older children & boys are less likely to report victimization (Melton et al., 1998; Rivers & Smith, 1994; Whitney & Smith, 1993). Ask: Why? (Reasons listed in TG, p. 56.) One reason there is reluctance to report: lack of confidence in their teachers’ (& other school authorities’) handling of incidents & reports. Survey of US HS students: 66% of those bullied felt school personnel responded poorly to bullying incidents; only 6% felt school staff handled these problems very well (Hoover et al., 1992). ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Do Students Report Being Bullied? To Whom?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Do Students Report Being Bullied? To Whom? 2–3 times/ month or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) These data show percentages of bullied students who tell teachers or other adults at school, parents or guardians, siblings or friends, or no one. Answers are broken down by grade level and gender. At the green arrow, you’ll see that for boys and girls, and across all grade levels, parents are the #1 group in whom students confide about being bullied. Girls are more likely than boys to tell parents, and students—especially boys—are less likely to report bullying to a parent as they get older. A disturbingly small percentage of students tell a teacher or other adult at school if they’ve been bullied. Perhaps of most concern is the percentages—marked with the red arrow—that have told no one about being bullied. This is more likely among boys and older kids. Luxenberg et al., 2014 Q19 and Q19a-f 3-5th Grade th Grade th Grade ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Do kids report at our school?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Do kids report at our school? 16% of bullied children DIDN’T report to anyone. If they told---WHO did they tell??? #1 Class teacher #2 Another adult at school #3 Your parents/Guardians #4 Your brother/sister #5 Your friend #6 Someone else Insert OBQ data from question # 19. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
7. True or False Bullying is just as likely on the way to and from school as during school hours. False ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Where Are Students Bullied?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Where Are Students Bullied? 1–2 times or more* (Luxenberg et al., 2014) Bullying Location Common “hot spots” for bullying include hallways/stairwells, lunchrooms, and playgrounds/athletic fields (especially for boys). (Bathrooms and locker rooms are also higher for boys.) Also quite common are classrooms—25% of boys and 27% of girls are bullied in the classroom when the teacher is in the room and nearly the same when the teacher is not in the room. Approximately one in six bullied children say they have been bullied on the school bus (17% of bullied girls, 18% of bullied boys), smaller numbers on the way to and from school (12% girls and boys), and at the bus stop (6% girls, 7% boys). Luxenberg et al., 2014 *Students could select ore than one location. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
In How Many Locations Are Students Bullied?
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz In How Many Locations Are Students Bullied? 1–2 times or more (Luxenberg et al., 2014) Almost 2/3 have been bullied in more than one place. Nearly 1/2 have been bullied in three or more places. Students who are bullied typically are bullied in more than one place at school or on the way to and from school. Two-thirds of students who are bullied say they’ve been bullied in 2 or more locations at school or on the way to or from school. About half say they’ve been bullied in 3 or more places. Luxenberg et al., 2014 © 2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S.
Bullying Locations at Helen Ball Elementary
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Bullying Locations at Helen Ball Elementary #1 Playground/athletic field #2 Hallways/stairwells #3 Class (teacher in the room) #4 Bathroom #5 Gym class #6 Lunchroom #7 Way to and from School Insert data from OBQ question 18. Bullied students responded to all that apply. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
8. True or False Most students who observe bullying don’t think they should get involved. False ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Empathy For Bullied Students
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Empathy For Bullied Students (Luxenberg et al., 2014) Vast majority feel sorry for the bullied students More girls than boys feel sorry for the bullied students More younger than older students feel sorry for the bullied students How do students feel and respond when they witness others being bullied? When asked how they feel when they see a student their age bullied at school, the vast majority—95% of elementary school girls and 89% of elementary school boys—say they “feel sorry” for them or they “feel sorry and want to help.” There are higher rates of empathy among girls and among younger students, although by high school, the vast majority--¾ of boys—still report feeling sorry for bullied students. Does this empathy translate into action? Luxenberg et al., 2014 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Watching…and Joining In Bullying
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Watching…and Joining In Bullying (Luxenberg et al., 2014) Onlookers: “just watch” Followers: Could join in When asked what they do if they see or learn that a student their age is being bullied, a minority of students indicate that they would be disengaged onlookers—would “just watch”. Boys and older students are more likely than girls and younger students to “just watch” if bullying occurs. On the right are the percentages of boys and girls who think they could “join in” bullying a student whom they don’t like. Although very small percentages of elementary school children think they could join in bullying, by high school, 13% of girls and 22% of boys think they could join in bullying. Luxenberg et al., 2014 Grade level ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
Taking Action To Stop Bullying
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data Taking Action To Stop Bullying Students who try to help a bullied student (Luxenberg et al., 2014) Decreases in helping with age Biggest changes between elementary and middle school Girls are somewhat more likely to say they will help What about positive actions by witnesses to bullying? Here we see the percent of students who try to help if they see or learn that a student their age is being bullied. The good news is that 74% of girls and 69% of boys in 3rd-5th grade indicate that they try to help bullied students. These percentages fall significantly by middle school, however, where just under half say they try to help. Luxenberg et al., 2014 ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
What Do Our Students Do? 41% Never noticed bullying 1% I take part/think it’s OK / I just watch 7% I don’t do anything, but I think ought to help 47% I try to help Insert OBQ data from question #37. Table & Graph 12 also provide information for who will join in. ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
How Much Do YOU Know About Bullying Quiz - OBQ Data
© 2014 Susan Limber, PhD; Jane Riese, LSW; Marlene Snyder, PhD; Vicki Flerx, PhD; and Nancy Mullin, MEd This presentation is based on the work of Dan Olweus, PhD. Use of this presentation is restricted to persons trained by the authors in the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and groups they work with for the express purpose of training schools, parents and community groups about the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program model. Appropriate credit to the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, US, must appear on all presentation materials. No other use or changes are permitted without prior written permission from the authors. For further information, please contact: Marlene Snyder, PhD at or call ©2014 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, U.S. Tab 1: Doc 5A
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