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PRESIDENT’S COMMISSIONS FOR EQUITY Informational Report to the University Faculty Senate March 15, 2016 Jamie Campbell, Co-chair, Commission on Racial/Ethnic.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESIDENT’S COMMISSIONS FOR EQUITY Informational Report to the University Faculty Senate March 15, 2016 Jamie Campbell, Co-chair, Commission on Racial/Ethnic."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESIDENT’S COMMISSIONS FOR EQUITY Informational Report to the University Faculty Senate March 15, 2016 Jamie Campbell, Co-chair, Commission on Racial/Ethnic Diversity Vicki Hoffman, Co-chair, Commission for Women Angela Rogers, Co-chair, Commission for Women Amy Vashaw, Chair, Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equity Suzanne Weinstein, Co-chair, Commission on Racial/Ethnic Diversity

2 Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Equity (CLGBTE) Created in 1991 25 appointed members and 30 affiliate members 12 campuses represented 13 faculty; 31 staff; 11 students Six standing committees: Communications and OUTreach; Curricular Integration; Employee Concerns; Student Concerns; Transgender Concerns; Awards and Nominations Commission Purpose The purpose of CLGBTE is to improve the climate for diversity within Penn State by specifically addressing issues affecting the welfare of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) members of the University community.

3 CLGBTE Milestones 1991: The University Faculty Senate approves a policy 93-12 to add “sexual orientation” to the University’s nondiscrimination policy, overthrowing University President Joab Thomas’ preference to use the generic term “personal characteristics” 2007: Gay rights activists occupy the Old Main rotunda—many are members of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Student Alliance—protesting discrimination by basketball coach, Rene Portland 2000: The Commission adds “Transgender” to its official name 2009: The Sexuality and Gender Studies Minor is approved in the College of the Liberal Arts 2013: The Department of Student Housing piloted the LGBTA Special Living Option, ALLY House

4 CLGBTE Milestones (cont.) 2013: ALLY House made Penn State history as the first university in the Big Ten to offer an entire building for LGBTQ students and their allies 2013: Penn State administration approved AD 84: Preferred Name 2014: Penn State officially joined the You Can Play initiative 2015: Full gender confirmation surgery became a covered medical procedure under Penn State’s faculty and staff health plan 2015: President Barron signed the Pennsylvania Competes pledge, formalizing Penn State’s support of nondiscrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression 2015: Penn State is listed on the Campus Pride index as one of the top 25 LGBTQ-friendly schools in the country

5 Commission on Racial/Ethnic Diversity (CORED) Created in 1989 44 appointed members and 43 affiliate members 31 members from 15 campus locations 34 faculty; 42 staff; 11 students Mission Statement CORED commits to lead and actively support University-wide diversity initiatives that foster teamwork, collaboration, and communication among various racial and ethnic constituencies in order to ensure inclusion, equal opportunity, and success for underrepresented/ underserved communities and community members of Penn State and the surrounding areas.

6 CORED Milestones  1989: Commission on Racial/Ethnic Diversity is formed  1990: At the request of President Bryce Jordan, developed the first set of Penn State terminology guidelines for specific racial/ethnic groups  2005: Initiated the first Promotion and Tenure Symposium, “What’s Diversity Got to Do with It?,” which has continued through 2015 in collaboration with CLGBTE and CFW  2009: Initiated the Task Force on Student Institutional Debt; presented recommendations in 2011  CORED has also sponsored numerous films, speakers, and symposia throughout the years which, most recently, have included the film Papers (stories of undocumented youth), Richard Santana (Harvard graduate and former third-generation gang member), the film Reel Injun’ (history of American Indian stereotypes in film), and many others

7 CORED Milestones (cont.) 2014: Hosted Jack Dovidio, Ph.D., national expert on microaggressions 2015: Hosted Valerie Purdie-Vaughns, Ph.D., national expert on stereotype threat; Dr. Purdie-Vaughns met with administrators to discuss strategies for attracting diverse faculty 2015: Held first regional campus visit at Penn State Brandywine 2014-2016: Exploring approaches to improve recruitment and retention of faculty with diverse backgrounds 2016: Working with OHR to implement staff mentoring program

8 Commission for Women (CFW) Created in 1981 33 appointed members and 102 affiliate members 16 campuses represented 32 faculty; 81 staff; 19 students Mission Statement CFW serves as an advisory group to the President on the status of women at Penn State, advocates for women’s concerns, and recommends solutions. 2016 is the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Commission.

9 CFW Milestones 1986: Administrative Fellows Program initiated 1989: Vice Provost of Underrepresented Groups created director of Child Care Programs position; day care center opened at Hershey. Several “family-friendly” policies were implemented such as flex time; family leave; family sick leave; stopping the tenure clock for childbirth, adoption, and family illness 1992: Mentoring/internship program initiated 1995: First Rosemary Schraer Mentoring Award 2006: Published We Are a Strong, Articulate Voice: A History of Women at Penn State by Carol Sonenklar

10 CFW Milestones (cont.) 2008: Published Report on the Status of Women at Penn State: 2007-2008 2010: Published Work-Family Balance at Penn State report; HR 20 (Breast Feeding Support Policy) created 2013: Published second Status of Women at Penn State: 2001-2011 report 2013: Initiated spring community education book read 2014: Launched Women with Influence poster campaign

11 Joint Collaborations: Public Advocacy Supported John Amaechi as Homecoming parade grand marshal Promoted respectful Halloween costumes Advocated for vendor equity policies Advocated for equitable child care Advocated for equitable health care/benefits Joint Collaborations: Institutional Workforce Development Provided input for executive-level hiring and onboarding Provided input to development of You@PSU performance management system

12 Joint Collaborations: Institutional Planning and Assessment Provided feedback on General Education reform Participated on Framework Feedback Review Teams Provided feedback on University Strategic Plan Participated in benchmarking visits by other institutions Participated in Halualani & Associates external assessment


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