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Examination Administration Dr. Richard Cuthbertson MBA Chair of Examiners.

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Presentation on theme: "Examination Administration Dr. Richard Cuthbertson MBA Chair of Examiners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examination Administration Dr. Richard Cuthbertson MBA Chair of Examiners

2 Guiding Principles and People Involved Assessment is separate from teaching Assessment is anonymous Assessors do the marking independently Examiners oversee the process: Chairman, 2 internal examiners, 4 external examiners (MBA) Proctors ensure assessment follows University rules; disciplinary cases 2

3 Sources of Information Assessment page for each programme on WebLearn. Will include: Examination Conventions Assessment Information Sheets for each course Types of assessments and weightings Submission Deadlines and exam dates Marking criteria 3

4 Assessment Types Formal Examination Formal Coursework assignments (including Projects) Practical Work assignments CPA assessment 4

5 Differences between assessment 5 Class Participation Individual Practical Work Group/Individual Formal Coursework Group/Individual Formal Examinations Individual Class participation is intended to encourage thoughtful and structured discussion in the classroom. Various types, including: In-class tests, weekly assignments, work to be uploaded online. Three copies submitted to the Examination Schools in hard copy. Formal exams between 1 and 3 hours long. Normally up to 30%.Can be up to 100% of a course. At least single marked.At least double blind marked. Students can expect mid- term feedback on their class participation, and marks within 2 weeks of the end of term. Feedback in the form of marks and individual comments is given during the course No marks are given during the course. Feedback is provided in the form of a general report. For class participation your name is used. Use 5 digit Practical Work Number Use 7 digit Candidate Number.

6 0100 DISTINCTION FAILPASS 5070 Agreed final marks are expressed using the following scale: CoursesCreditsTo PassFor Distinctions 8 core course1 per course Achieve at least 21 out of 22 credits An average mark for the whole programme of at least 65%... 3 Integrative modules1.5 credits GOTO2 creditsPlus individual distinctions on at least 10 separate courses… Entrepreneurship Project 1.5 credits Pass all 3 Integrative modules 9 electives OR 7 electives plus the Summer Project 9 credits OR 7 credits plus 2 credits Plus no confirmed course fails. Pass mark is 50% for each course: Also need at least 40% on each individual formal assessment Can re-sit/re-submit, but only once Marking Criteria

7 Mark Sheets and Deadlines You will be emailed with mark sheets from the Examination Services Team to use when marking. For practical work you are also expected to include feedback (individual or group) that can sent back to students. For formal coursework, you should also prepare assessors’ feedback for the overall class and individual feedback to any students who fail. Please do not write directly on any assignments or exam scripts. Keep them secure. You will normally have 3 weeks to mark a batch of work. 7

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