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1 FVTX Quarterly/Monthly Report July 2008 Melynda Brooks, Dave Lee.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FVTX Quarterly/Monthly Report July 2008 Melynda Brooks, Dave Lee."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FVTX Quarterly/Monthly Report July 2008 Melynda Brooks, Dave Lee

2 2 Talk Outline Schedule Overview - Current, and comparison to Baseline Technical Status of each WBS item Status Schedule compared to Baseline Cost/Schedule mitigation efforts, where needed Preparation for September Review Report Near-term Activities

3 3 FVTX Tasks and Schedule (Current) FVTX ProjectFri 10/21/05Wed 8/3/11 Start ConstructionTue 4/1/08Tue 4/1/08 Start R&D BNLMon 1/2/06Mon 1/2/06 Start R&D LANLMon 1/2/06Mon 1/2/06 Wedge ComponentsThu 3/15/07Mon 12/13/10 Wedge sensorsFri 2/15/08Mon 12/13/10 FPHX ChipThu 3/15/07Mon 4/19/10 Kapton flex cables HDIWed 6/4/08Thu 4/9/09 Kapton HDI to ROC interconnectWed 10/8/08Wed 4/8/09 DAQMon 10/23/06Mon 8/2/10 MechanicsFri 10/21/05Thu 6/9/11 Endcap AssemblyThu 6/18/09Wed 8/3/11 System IntegrationWed 4/2/08Thu 3/10/11 Mechanical engineer Fri 4/25/08Thu 3/10/11 Electrical EngineerFri 4/25/08Thu 3/10/11 FVTX ManagementWed 4/2/08Thu 3/10/11 Tasks this FY include prototyping of all wedge components and DAQ as well as prototyping of much of the mechanics

4 4 FVTX FY08 Tasks and Funds R&D Construction $ 1.4.1 Procure prototype sensors and test $109.9k 1.4.2 Design/Procure prototype FPHX chips $184k $174 1.4.3 Design/Procure prototype HDI $ 18 1.7 Wedge assembly prep $ 12 1.5 Design/Procure prototype ROC/FEM (LANL LDRD) 1.5 ROC prototype ($71k construction) - hold 1.6 Design/Procure prototype mechanical structures (cage, backplane, disk, jigs) (part R&D) $ 98.9 1.8 Integration, Management $ 86 Total $499

5 5 Schedule Snapshot, from Initial Package

6 6 FVTX Technical Status - FPHX FPHX Readout Chip Prototyping, LANL + FNAL FNAL completed all analog simulations, quite a number of digital simulations (hits in various channels), plus complete analog + digital simulation. Everything checked out o.k. In-person review of design with Jim Hoff/Tom Zimmerman by Jon Kapustinsky, Sergey Butsyk. No issues. Chip submitted to MOSIS last week of May. MOSIS run started June 2, expected delivery by end of July (~8 weeks preliminary estimate). Approximately 1 month delay compared to Management Plan due to longer time needed for layout than anticipated (plus FNAL furloughs). Partially addressed by additional reviews of chip to try to maximize probability that 3 rounds not needed. 20 weeks of float in the schedule on this task Increased overall costs due to mis-calculated FNAL overhead Critical Path Item HDI Sensor

7 7 FVTX Technical Status - HDI and Sensors High Density Interconnect, UNM + LANL Mark Prokop, LANL EE produced schematics, basic layout of HDI while UNM designer was unavailable Mark transferred current HDI package to UNM beginning of June (schematics, HDI outline, etc.) Layout at UNM in progress Expect delivery of prototype HDI by August. ~2.5 month delay due to unexpected designer availability issues; addressed by pulling LANL EE onto project. Not critical path Sensors, LANL Hamamatsu awarded sensor prototype contract Design specifications and preliminary layout from LANL received by Hamamatsu and they are working on real sensor layout Expect prototype sensors by October 2008 Prototype delayed compared to Management Schedule, but production is still on track. Also, not on critical path.

8 8 FVTX Technical Status - DAQ DAQ, LANL ROC layout expected complete and ready for procurement by end of July FEM schematics not quite completed, but layout in progress with what is available. Simpler board, so still expect layout complete near end of July Discussing DAQ test stands for prototypes that will be tested this summer/fall: FPHX chips, chips with HDI, chips with HDI and sensor. Prototype schedule on track, but 2nd round procurement delayed to FY09 due to additional funds that were transferred to FPHX task. Active development of test stands (LANL + UNM) ongoing to prepare for testing of prototype FPHX, sensors, HDIs

9 9 FVTX Technical Status - Assembly Wedge assembly - Columbia SiDet (FNAL) will make prototype assembly (this summer) and quote on cost for them to perform full assembly Walt Sondheim/HYTEC working with FNAL on assembly jig design and procurement Detector Disk Assembly - NMSU Steve Pate starting sabbatical at end of summer to set up BNL assembly areas Assembly plan detailed with manpower, schedule by Steve HDI Sensor FPHX chip bonded to HDI Backplane Rigid, thermally conductive epoxy Rigid epoxy

10 10 FVTX Technical Status - Mechanics Mechanics - HYTEC/LANL Backplane design completed, being prototyped by FNAL Disk plane design completed, working toward final drawings Cage design reviewed internally, some iteration with LBNL (manufacturer) on optimizing design Expect cage prototype by end of FY

11 11 September Review Report "Prior to the next annual review, perform a detailed study of the trade-offs between noise hit levels, ADC signal thresholds, raw data bandwidth bottlenecks, Level-1 latency and memory requirements, tracking efficiency, and physics performance. Derive a set of "final" functional requirements that the FVTX system needs to satisfy within a reasonable period of time after project completion in order to achieve the physics goals and meet the recommendations expressed in the FVTX Science Review report.” Simulation code updated to allow full flexibility in setting noise, threshold levels. Studies underway to map out performance across parameter space. DAQ bottlenecks straight-forward to calculate for any parameter. Expect performance reasonably well mapped out by September already “Documents for technical specifications, testing plans, and procedures should be finalized, approved, and adopted prior to procurement” Drafts all produced, most reviewed and finalized already. Will include in report. “A detailed grounding & shielding plan should be developed and reviewed prior to the annual review” Grounding & shielding plan produced: collaboration with LANL, Eric Mannel (electronic integration engineer), FPHX designers (FNAL), HDI designers Will be reviewed along with electronics components at August 2008 PHENIX review. “Identify a systems integration manager” Project managers provide overall integration, Walt Sondheim mechanical integration, Eric Mannel electrical integration, Robert Pak integration to BNL infrastructure

12 12 Near-term Activities Expect delivery of all wedge component prototypes by August (FPHX, backplane, HDI, DAQ boards) or October (sensor), Preparing test stands for full test Developing list of tests to establish full functionality of FPHX, sensor, HDI, ROC/FEM prototypes Preparing for blind physics analyses, complete with embedding (wasn’t enough time to complete before science/technical reviews)

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