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Community Event: Technology Makes a Difference District Educator: Stephanie Allen EDU 620: Meeting Individual Student Needs with Technology Instructor:

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1 Community Event: Technology Makes a Difference District Educator: Stephanie Allen EDU 620: Meeting Individual Student Needs with Technology Instructor: Dr. Amy Gray May 23, 2016

2 Station 1: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Audience: I will get the audience’s attention by drawing their attention by asking them to enter the drawing of a brand new cell phone. As they fill out the form for this drawing, I will discuss the importance of the use of their current cell phone, computer, tablet or any other form of technology. The station will have pictures of this flashy cell phone with other electronics such as tablets and computers. I will also have tablets set up for interactive games. This will draw the children and most likely other family members who like to play games. Information: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for flexible learning environments that ensures all students have access to the same curriculum and learning opportunities as their peers (Puckett, 2013). This approach minimizes barriers and maximizes academic success for students. Universal design for learning is a discipline that is faintly more than 10 years old (Edyburn, 2013).

3 Station 1 Cont. Demonstrate: I would demonstrate UDL by including a video which models it’s approach. I would use a you tube video which explains UDL and the how it pertains to a diverse population of learners in Pre-Kindergarten through 12 th grade. (CAST. (2010, June 6). UDL at a glance [Video file]. Retrieved from at a glance Differentiation: Differentiation is supported by the use of universal design for learning. “Differentiated instruction allows teachers to consider students’ strengths and weaknesses and devise instruction based on these characteristics” (Puckett, 2013). The three UDL principles enhance learning by providing differentiated learning opportunities. The three principles are multiple means of representation, multiple means of expression, and multiple means of engagement. Multiple means of representation is providing students with alternatives to learning beyond just using a textbook (Edyburn, 2013). Multiple means of expression is providing students with various opportunities to demonstrate what they know.

4 Station 1 Cont. Multiple means of engagement is providing students the opportunity for engagement which supports learning. Interaction: Attendees will engage in educational games which I have provided access to using the tablets. They will pair in teams to complete specific task and activities of each game.

5 Station 2: Technology and UDL for all Learners Mission: To ensure that all students and families have the opportunity to reach their full potential while maximizing academic success through the use of technology and digital tools. Belief: We believe that with the necessary resources, we can motivate learners and support all individuals in achieving success. Goals: Students and their families will collaboratively share ideas and knowledge related to technology with others to give and gain new knowledge. All individuals who have access to technology will construct meaningful resources of information to share with others which will help support their leadership and success in the workplace and classroom.

6 Station 2 Cont. Course Offerings Agriculture Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Business Management & Administration Finance Health Science Human Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Marketing

7 Station 3: 21st-Century Skills Acquisition and Employability Technology and 21st-Century Skills: Information Technology: Students completing courses in this cluster increase skills and knowledge in technical and professional careers related to the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multi-media, and systems integration services.

8 Station 3 Cont. 21 st -Century Outcomes and Skills (Partnership for 21 st - Century Learning) Content Knowledge and 21 st - Century Themes: Students will master science and increase their understanding of information technology. They will learn form while working collaboratively with individuals representing diverse cultures and religions. Learning and Innovation Skills: Students will master critical thinking and problem solving skills. Information, Media and Technology Skills: Students will have access to technology and share knowledge collaboratively which relates. They will effectively use and operate technology using 21 st -century skills. (Access and Evaluate information)

9 Station 3 Cont. Life and Career Skills: Students will develop thinking skills and knowledge to function in complex environments. They will demonstrate leadership and responsibility. Students will function in high demand careers and demonstrate high ethical standards with sufficient knowledge of their roles. Tools: Prezi-this is a visual presentation software which uses motion and animation to show information. Teachers can use this software to present information to students in a visual format which supports visual learners. ( Interaction: 1. Partner with others during games 2. View short video using tablets/Ipad 3. Answering surveys using available technology 4. Discussions about the use of technology New Technology: Technology allows students to complete task in different ways and work at their own pace during meaningful learning experiences. Technology is definitely a part of 21 st - Century learning and prepares our students to compete for high demand careers. This technology will support the success of our students and maximize academic success.

10 References CAST. (2010, June 6). UDL at a glance [Video file]. Retrieved from at a glance Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success Partnership for 21 st Century Learning (n.d.). Framework for 21 st Century Learning. Retrieved from

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