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Today: 11/30/15 Monday  Pick up a copy of the guided notes paper on the front stool. We’ll be starting volcanism today. I’ll give you guys/gals a heads-up.

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Presentation on theme: "Today: 11/30/15 Monday  Pick up a copy of the guided notes paper on the front stool. We’ll be starting volcanism today. I’ll give you guys/gals a heads-up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today: 11/30/15 Monday  Pick up a copy of the guided notes paper on the front stool. We’ll be starting volcanism today. I’ll give you guys/gals a heads-up on the model project you’ll be working on for this unit.

2 Today: 12/1/15 Tuesday  Honors: Turn in your text book to page 248.  CP: Get a copy of the data sheet on the front stool.

3 Chapter 18 - Volcanoes 18.1 Volcanism

4 Volcanism  Describes all processes associated with the discharge of magma, hot fluids, and gases volcanism.php&h=200&w=300&sz=10&hl=en&st art=5&tbnid=2qhJLJRLrxKp3M:&tbnh=77&tbnw =116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvolcanism%26gbv %3D2%26hl%3Den

5 Magma  Slushy mixture of molten rock, mineral crystals, and gases  Lava = magma that reaches the surface /GEO99/pubigneous/liquidlava.jpg

6 Volcanoes  Distribution of volcanoes is not random  Most from at Plate Boundaries  Majority are at convergent and divergent boundaries

7 Convergent Volcanism  Occur at subduction zones  Oceanic plate descends into mantle  Magma moves upward  Mixes with rocks, minerals, and sediment  Form explosive volcanoes

8 Subduction Zone

9 Two Major Belts of Convergent Volcanoes  Circum-Pacific Belt  Mediterranean Belt

10 Divergent Volcanism  Occurs where plates are moving away from each other  New floor forms as magma rises  Non-explosive, Large amounts of lava  Mostly underwater volcanoes


12 Hot Spots  Unusually hot regions of mantle where high- temperature plumes of magma rise to the surface  Ex: Hawaiian islands  Rate of plate movement can be calculated from position of volcanoes

13 Hot Spot Formation  Hot spot remained stationary but Pacific plate slowly moved northwest  Left trail of islands

14 Flood Basalts  Non-viscous lava that flows through surface of Earth out of cracks called fissures

15 Notes 18.1 B Continue “Volcanoes”

16 Anatomy of Volcano  Conduit = tubelike structures through which lava flows  Vent = opening where lava reaches surfae  Lava cools and solidifies  Over time it accumulates to form a volcano

17 Anatomy of Volcano  Crater = bowl-shaped depression at top of volcano  Calderas = large depressions formed when magma chamber is emptied

18 Caldera

19 Types of Volcanoes  Shield  Cinder cone  Composite/Stratovolcano

20 Shield Volcanoes  Broad, gently sloping sides  Circular base  Formed as layers of lava accumulate from non- explosive eruptions

21 Shield Volcano 03249.JPG ges/MaunaLoa79_mauna_loa_shield_volcano_05 -79_med.jpg

22  Mauna Loa, Hawaii  Shield Volcano

23 Cinder Cone Volcanoes  Steep slopes, generally small  Form as small pieces of magma are ejected into the air  Pieces = tephra – pile around vent

24 Cinder Cone ete/images/modules/volcanoes/typesa.GIF&imgrefurl=http://w &w=265&sz=13&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=1cbnv3DoRKQHNM:&tb nh=100&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcinder%2Bcone% 2Bvolcano%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den uscara_j/toolsvis/images/colorcinderc one2.jpg

25 Composite Volcanoes  Cone-shaped with concave sides, much bigger than Cinder Cone  Formed of layers of hardened chucks from violent erupts alternative with layers of lava oozing down slope

26 Composite Volcanoes ers/primary/yu_neng_pri_volcano_nc/xplopix 9.gif @/Quest/winners/primary/yu_ neng_pri_volcano_nc/versuviu s.htm

27 Mount Vesuvius

28 In-Class Assignment  Volcano Cube

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