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The ACT Panic…. Here is what you want to know… Grammar Reading Comprehension Skills How to read faster Test Taking Skills Study Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "The ACT Panic…. Here is what you want to know… Grammar Reading Comprehension Skills How to read faster Test Taking Skills Study Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ACT Panic…

2 Here is what you want to know… Grammar Reading Comprehension Skills How to read faster Test Taking Skills Study Skills

3 The truth about studying for the ACT… You can’t study for the ACT in one night, one week, one month, blah, blah, blah…. You have been studying for the ACT since

4 Grammar… Grammar comes down to practice…just like practicing for a sport, drawing, dancing, walking, talking….yep, you guessed it…as much as you have hated it and it has been drilled into you, things like

5 General Grammar Rules to Survive the ACT… grammar-rules-flash-cards/

6 Reading Comprehension What does the test look like? You have 35 minutes to read 4 paragraphs approximately 90 lines in length with 10 multiple choice questions each. Yep, approximately 8 minutes and 45 seconds per passage/10 questions

7 I feel the need, the need for Speed…

8 Actually, speed and comprehension can go hand in hand What you already know that can increase your speed when reading and increase your comprehension…. – Did you know that you can write in your ACT test booklet?

9 Strategies…. The stuff you normally block me out about but now you need …

10 Here we go… Time… Watch it, be aware of it, but don’t let it consume you You know this stuff… Most passages will ask you about Main Idea Vocabulary in Context Author’s Purpose Inferences

11 Flexibility – You don’t have to go in order – Pick the passage that is easiest for you – Be logical…don’t look for the hidden object Underline/Make Notes – Write the main ideas in the margin by the paragraph – Identify what is detail vs. argument Know what you can skip over – Shortcuts – Answers may be in your notes vs having to go back to the paragraph

12 Read the questions (not the answers) before you start to read the passage. Underline key words in the question that you can look for in the passage. This will help you when making notes in the margins

13 How to Take the Test? Do you have certain teachers that when you take their tests, they are easy because you know how the test is formatted? And certain teachers that are way difficult because you don’t understand the format?

14 The Sacred 7… 1) Know the instructions of each test. 2) Use the booklet for your scratch paper. 3) Answer the easy questions before the hard questions.

15 4) Don’t let yourself get stuck on or discouraged by a hard question. 5) Avoid being careless. 6) Be careful when bubbling. 7) Guess if you don’t know.

16 You have heard all this before: The night before, get a good night’s sleep. The morning of the test, be sure to eat a good breakfast, take any medications you are supposed to take, and wear something comfortable or lucky…


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