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Text “Welcome” to 817-381-3851. Serving Christ and our neighbors by developing life-transforming relationships with God, each other, and our world. a.

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Presentation on theme: "Text “Welcome” to 817-381-3851. Serving Christ and our neighbors by developing life-transforming relationships with God, each other, and our world. a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Text “Welcome” to 817-381-3851

2 Serving Christ and our neighbors by developing life-transforming relationships with God, each other, and our world. a new day… a new vision

3 Hungry? Join us at the… Sunday mornings 9:30-10:00 All proceeds benefit the 2016 Latvia team (Excludes Easter Sunday and Mother’s Day) Smithfield Breakfast Café MarchAprilMay


5 Next Meeting 6:45 p.m. Thursday, April 21 Music Room All Women Invited

6 Methodists have been in the Smithfield area for 160 years! Now that’s something to celebrate!!!! 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Food, Games, Photos, History Displays Crafts for kids of all ages & Much More!

7 Painting with Sarah A Latvia Mission Team Fund-raiser


9 We need your help cleaning up the pews after the 10:50 a.m. worship service. Just stay in the sanctuary after worship & watch for the rest of the mice. We should be finished in 5 minutes each week. We can’t wait to see you Sunday!

10 SUMC’s Church Council has adopted a new policy to protect our children, youth and vulnerable adults from abusers. Copies of the policy are available in the Church Office. All employees and volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable adults at SUMC, will be required to adhere to the policy. Stay tuned for more details.

11 Ministry Audit Team Leadership Team Janet Taylor John Rector Lynn Glasscock Chad Brown Gene Rollins Marilyn Schorr John Clark Sandra Hedrick Diane Hutchinson Robyn Goss Discipleship Team Children’s Team Mason Doyle Lindsay Staples Sandy Bellamy Heather Doyle Beverly Rector Beverly Manning Scott Bort Jennifer Griffin Randy Plemons Rene Bort Young Adult Team: Chip & Katie Leatherwood, Cassie & Troy Sumner, Micah & Ally Neslony, Matthew Leach Hospitality Team: Sally Rhymer, Sandra Roberts, Sally McCrory, Steve Scott, Robin Langley

12 UMC Wesley Camp, Latvia

13 To sign up, go to Click on the above symbol (next to worship times) and follow the prompts. Set up your account for one-time or ongoing gifts. Thanks for keeping SUMC in the black!


15 SUMC’s mission is Of Jesus Christ



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