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Chapter 8 Japan Flash Cards. Was introduced to Japan from China and Korea Buddhism.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Japan Flash Cards. Was introduced to Japan from China and Korea Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Japan Flash Cards

2 Was introduced to Japan from China and Korea Buddhism

3 Prince Shotoku The Japanese regent who encouraged scholars to learn from the Chinese

4 Kamikaze The storm that saved the Japanese from the Mongols, or the divine wind

5 Japanese Women Wrote most of early Japanese prose (text)

6 Murasaki Shikibu Author of The Tale of Genji

7 Pure Land Buddhism A form of Buddhism popular with Japan’s common people

8 Noh A type of drama that tells of Japan’s heroes

9 Zen Buddhism A form of Buddhism that stresses self- discipline and meditation

10 Samurai Professional warrior who served his or her lord

11 Shogun A general who ruled in the name of the emperor

12 Regent A person who rules a country for someone who is unable to rule alone

13 Daimyo Wealthy landowners who controlled large amounts of land

14 Court A group of nobles who live near and serve or advise a ruler

15 Shinto The native, traditional religion of Japan

16 Figurehead The role the emperor had during the shogun period

17 Land or Food How samurai were paid for their military service

18 Bushido The samurai code of honor

19 Isolation & Limited technology Helped extend the samurai period in Japan until the 1800s

20 One way Prince Shotoku helped spread Buddhism in Japan built a grand Buddhist temple

21 A reason why many samurai adopted Zen Buddhism It stressed self- discipline and meditation

22 One reason why different forms of Buddhism developed in Japan People from different classes practiced their religion differently

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