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Chapter 8 Section 1 Washington Takes Office. Big Boy/Girl Questions 1.How was the Government organized during Washington’s Presidency? 2.Why did the US.

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1 Chapter 8 Section 1 Washington Takes Office

2 Big Boy/Girl Questions 1.How was the Government organized during Washington’s Presidency? 2.Why did the US face an economic crisis during the Washington presidency? 3.What were the 3 parts of Hamilton’s financial plan? 4.How did Washington respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?

3 The First President April of 1789- Washington sworn into office Known as the Presidential Inauguration – Inauguration- a ceremony in which the President takes the oath of office Washington’s actions would set a precedent- an example to be followed by others in the future Washington being sworn in Federal Hall in New York City,

4 Organizing the Executive Branch Executive Branch would be split up in 3 parts – Each was to be headed by a secretary 1.Treasury- Alexander Hamilton 2.State- Thomas Jefferson 3.War- Henry Knox These positions are known as the President’s Cabinet aka his “posse” There is another position within the Cabinet called “Attorney General” Advises the President on legal matters. Edmund Randolph 1 st Attorney General

5 Establishing Judiciary Judiciary Act of 1789 Provided for a Supreme Court of 6 justices Under the Supreme Court were 3 circuit courts and 13 district courts Washington appointed John Jay as the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court » Modern day Chief Justice: John Roberts

6 The First Economic Crisis Americans and Foreigners had bought war bonds. War bonds are a way for the Government to generate money. People buy the bonds to give the government money immediately, and the government promises to pay it back with interest later on. Example: You buy a bond for $80, and the government repays you $100 after a period of 10 years.

7 War bonds

8 US debt in 1789 US owed 81 million Only had an income of 4 million

9 Hamilton’s Plan to get out of debt Hamilton’s 3 part plan 1.Have the government assume all states’ debts PASSED Some southern states who already paid their debts opposed this 2.Creation of a Federal Bank and national currency PASSED Some thought this was unconstitutional and was a federal power grab 3.A tax on imported goods DID NOT PASS Southerners opposed it because it would help North’s industrial economy but not the South’s agrarian economy Based on his plan, is Hamilton a Federalist or Anti-Federalist? Video

10 Opposition to a National Bank Jefferson opposed it, along with other Anti- Federalists Said it was “Unconstitutional”/ overreach of fed power Interpretations of Constitution: Anti Federalists- Strict in their interpretation » Want government power to be contained by this strict interpretation Federalists- Loose in their interpretation » Looking to expand government power beyond what the constitution explicitly allows

11 The Whiskey Rebellion 1791, Congress imposed a tax on all whiskey made and sold in the USA Hamilton hoped it would help ease debt Farmers and common people compared it to the tea tax from Britain and thought it was oppressive Became a violent protest known as the Whiskey Rebellion – Washington sent 13,000 militia to put down the rebellion and they scattered

12 Significance of the Whiskey Rebellion Why was the Whiskey Rebellion important? Demonstrated the federal government’s legitimacy and strength

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