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 3,000-4,000 word analytical paper  Subject area and research question should come from an HL subject you are taking.  Required for all diploma candidates.

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Presentation on theme: " 3,000-4,000 word analytical paper  Subject area and research question should come from an HL subject you are taking.  Required for all diploma candidates."— Presentation transcript:


2  3,000-4,000 word analytical paper  Subject area and research question should come from an HL subject you are taking.  Required for all diploma candidates ◦ No submission or a failing grade disqualifies you from receiving a diploma. ◦ Counts 11/2 points out of 45 total points.

3  Select a subject area and compose a research question.  Have the question approved by a subject area teacher.  You may consider more than one subject area but every student must have a history research question as one possibility.

4  You will be assigned an IB staff member who will be your mentor/supervisor.  You will be required to meet with your mentor periodically during the research/writing process.  Your mentor is familiar with IB EE requirements and pitfalls to avoid, but s/he is not necessarily and expert in the field.  Your mentor is a supervisor, NOT an editor.

5  Title Page  Abstract  Table of Contents  Introduction  Body (divided into sections)  Conclusion  Bibliography

6  The EE is externally assessed by someone who is an expert in the field. Essays are sent to graders throughout the world.  To obtain a passing grade, be sure to follow all IB guidelines, present an analytical argument, and avoid any malpractice.

7  A. Research Question - 2 points ◦ clear and exactly focused ◦ stated in the abstract and introduction ◦ related to the human past (over 10 years ago)  B. Introduction - 2 points ◦ establishes significance and context, ◦ explains why the question is worthy of investigation

8  C. Investigation – 4 points  Uses primary and secondary sources  Uses data to support arguments and conclusions  Presents views of various historians who disagree  Challenges historians statements

9  D. Knowledge and Understanding of the Topic Studied – 4 points ◦ Presents a solid foundation of specific relevant knowledge ◦ Analyzes to form an argument and conclusion  E. Reasoned Argument – 4 points ◦ Uses reason based on specific details to persuade the reader of the validity of the argument

10  F. Application of Analytical and Evaluative Skills Appropriate to the Subject – 4 points Evaluates sources and assesses their reliability Considers the meaning and importance of relevant factual evidence to argue a case and reach a conclusion

11  G. Use of Language Appropriate to the Subject – 4 points  Avoids sweeping generalizations and unsupported assertions  Uses historical terminology  Makes specific, precise statements which are clear and unambiguous

12  H. Conclusion – 2 points  Reflects argument and evidence presented in body  Answers the research question  Explains unresolved issues

13  I. Formal Presentation – 4 points  Follows IB standards - Includes title page, table of contents, page numbers, appropriate documentation, bibliography  Missing bibliography or citations = 0 points  Omission of required element = 1 or 2 points

14  J. Abstract – 2 points  300 words or less  Has all three required elements  1. Research question  2. Scope – what was investigated and how  3. Conclusion

15  K. Holistic Judgment – 4 points  Wow factor may be a result of: ◦ Intellectual initiative ◦ Choice of topic ◦ Types of sources ◦ New approaches ◦ Insight and depth of understanding ◦ Detailed research ◦ Reasoned argument ◦ Reflection

16  More than 10 years ago  Areas where historians disagree or there is some controversy about historical interpretation  Primary and secondary sources – you must evaluate sources  40 hours

17  1. Use primary and secondary sources to establish varying interpretations of a historically controversial topic.  Example: Which theory best explains the Salem Witch trials? Use data obtained from secondary sources and primary documents from that time which show conflicting theories. Analyze these to determine which theory you find most convincing.

18  2. Analyze sources in order to explain changing views over time of particular happenings or events.   Example: How and why have explanations of the Cuban Missile crisis changed since 1962? Categorize and evaluate selected explanations of the Missile Crisis in the 1960s, 1980s, 2000s.

19  3. Use source material for a case study or local history project, perhaps leading to a comparison of local and national developments.  Example: How did returning Rio Grande Valley Vietnam veterans readjustment to civilian life compare to those nation wide? Collect national data about veterans and the stress of returning to civilian life. Interview local soldiers and use Valley news accounts.

20  4. Collect and analyze oral and written data from family and other contacts to explain past events. You could also compare local to national for this kind of question.  Brainstorm - What question can you come up with for this approach?

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