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WELL-BEING A man by himself is in bad company. Eric Hoffer.

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Presentation on theme: "WELL-BEING A man by himself is in bad company. Eric Hoffer."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELL-BEING A man by himself is in bad company. Eric Hoffer

2 WELL-BEING Not Monism, rather Pluralism. (Page 9) Aristotle: all human action was to achieve human happiness Is happiness = living well = a good life ?

3 Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics) We ought to desire that which we need as opposed to that which we want. What we need is Universal and Indisputable Happiness or Living Well or A Good Life ?

4 WELL-BEING Positive Emotion Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment

5 WELL-BEING Three Elements: 1.They contribute to well-being 2.They are pursued for their own sake 3.They can be defined and measured independently of the other elements

6 WELL-BEING Positive emotion is about what we feel. Positive emotion is a factor not the goal in well-being theory. Engagement has positive emotion only in retrospect. Only measured Subjectively

7 WELL-BEING Positive Relationships are essential to any Positive Psychology The “Kindness Exercise”: doing a kindness produces the single most reliable momentary increase in well-being! Positive Relationships entail Positive emotions; but it is not the reason Positive Relationships are pursued.

8 WELL-BEING Meaning is being a part of something larger than the self. Accomplishment for its own sake is a necessary addition to well-being.

9 WELL-BEING Well-being is a construct Well-being is the topic of Positive Psychology Well-being has five measurable elements: – Positive Emotion – Engagement – Relationships – Meaning – Accomplishment

10 FLOURISH WELL-BEING Positive Emotion Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment OPTIMISM

11 Can’t Money Buy Happiness? “life, liberty, and the purchase of happiness” David Myers

12 If I were a Rich Man… “I’ve been rich, and I’ve been poor. Rich is better.” -Sophie Tucker

13 Can Money Buy Happiness? If I were a Rich Man… 800 people with net worth of at least $500,000 found that 19% of them agreed with the statement, “Having enough money is a constant worry in my life.” among those who were worth at least $10 million, 33% felt this way

14 “very happy” 19572004 REAL INCOME 3X 35%34%

15 “The Hedonic Treadmill” “like seawater: the more you drink the thirstier you become.” Arthur Schopenhauer Rapidly and inevitably adapt to good things by taking them for granted As you accumulate more your expectations rise.

16 “The Hedonic Treadmill” Thousands in Switzerland surveyed For every 10% increase in income – people wished they had still another 4% more! The more you have, the more you want more than you have. “There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it.” George Bernard Shaw

17 Rich Happier than Poor The poor do suffer higher rates of: – Hypertension, heart disease, depression, and less stable households… Earning less than$20,000 is 3.5 times more likely to die in middle age than someone making $70,000 +

18 “Taking all things together, how would you say things are these days? Are you very happy, pretty happy, or not too happy?” The answers are ranked from: 1 (not at all happy) to 7 (extremely happy).

19 Results Maasai Score 5.7 The Inuit Average 5.8 The Amish Average 5.8 Forbes 400 wealthiest Americans Average 5.8

20 The Forbes group at the time of the survey had $125 million minimum in wealth with an average annual income of $10 million. These people reported being happy 77% of the time compared to the sample of middle- class Americans 62% response. 37% of the Forbes group rated their feelings lower than the average Americans did

21 Wealth is “any income that is at least $100 more a year than the income of one’s wife’s sister’s husband” H.L. Mencken

22 Caveat Testor Life Satisfaction – the past until now – Transient mood (70%) – Abiding satisfaction (30%) Happiness – feeling good now

23 Can Money Buy Happiness? Increases in income may – Increase your evaluation of your life satisfaction – But not influence your mood – An increase in income may improve your circumstances and you evaluation of them – But, not your spirits.

24 For Next Week Pg. 37 - Values in Action Signature Strengths Test. Then an exercise using the results. We will do this as a class exercise in a couple of weeks from now.


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