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The Shawshank Redemption.  In the Shawshank Redemption many themes are explored; some of them are typical of prison movies, others are not.  Screen.

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Presentation on theme: "The Shawshank Redemption.  In the Shawshank Redemption many themes are explored; some of them are typical of prison movies, others are not.  Screen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Shawshank Redemption

2  In the Shawshank Redemption many themes are explored; some of them are typical of prison movies, others are not.  Screen writer and director Frank Darabont wished to explore human potential and people's capacity to achieve it; more specifically, how good people can be to each other and themselves and how people can make life matter more. The Shawshank Redemption

3  The film shows three of Red's annual parole hearings: 1947, 1957 and 1967. The first marks 20 years into his life sentence. The third occurs after Andy's escape. These hearings mark the passage of time, reflect changes in Red's attitude and contribute to the film's themes.  Compare all three. How does Red's response change? Why does it change? Quote evidence from the text for example the visuals and dialogue to support your answers Hope

4 Compare Brooks’ and Red's releases from prison. 1. What are the similarities and what are the differences? 2. What do these reveal about the two men? Institutionalism

5  This film is about holding on to a sense of personal worth in extreme circumstances. The inmates must do this to avoid becoming institutionalised. Andy does, Brooks does not, Red must choose

6 1. Similarities include the room in the halfway house, the job bagging groceries and the feelings of isolation and fear. Differences include the different types of violence each considers and the outcome. Brooks commits suicide. Red considers buying a gun to commit armed robbery and get sent back to prison. Brooks had no one and no hope. Red had Andy and hope in a future. 2. It is too late for Brooks because he is too old and institutionalised. Red has been changed by his friendship with Andy. He has inner strength. Institutionalism

7 The roof scene 1. Why doesn't Andy drink any of the beer? 2. What does Andy get out of his deal with the Captain? Freedom

8 1. His drunkenness on the night of his wife's death has put him off alcohol. He was drunk enough from the pleasure he gave his fellow inmates and the success of the mission was enough for him 2. He gets the feeling of freedom and of having some control over his life. He enjoys seeing the other men happy. Freedom

9 Consider the characters generally 1. Who is redeemed? How are they redeemed? 2. Who are the irredeemable characters? What happens to them? Why can't they be redeemed? Redemption

10 1. Red and Andy. They are redeemed through their friendship 2. The Warden, the Captain and Bogs. Their punishments are death, arrest and life in a wheelchair. they have lost their humanity, and they cannot be redeemed. Redemption

11 1. How long does it take Andy to get any money for the library? What aspects of Andy's personality does this reveal? 2. Why does Andy want to improve the library? 3. How does Andy's work on the library affect other people in Shawshank? The Prison Library

12 1. Six years. It shows his persistent determination 2. Building the library keeps him occupied, helps pass time, keeps him human and gives him a sense of control. 3. He improves their lives, gives them beauty, hope and a sense of their humanity. The Prison Library

13 Friendship is one of the things that can help the convicts retain their humanity. The relationships between the characters are important, particularly that between Andy and Red. Friendship

14 Andy and Red's friendship develops slowly against the brutal world of the prison. We know how Red feels because he tells us in voiceover, whereas Andy's feelings are revealed more through his actions. Through their conversations Andy reexamines himself and his relations with others. Eventually their friendship changes not only the two of them, but their entire community. Trace the growth of Red and Andy's friendship. Start with Red's first description of Andy Friendship

15 The film explores how much power or control people have over their own lives. Outside the prison Andy was a banker, a high status professional. In prison he wants to control his life but there are elements he cannot. What things give Andy a sense of control? Andy had the ability to escape before he actually did; everything was planned in detail. He did not escape his final refusal to let the prison authorities control him. When Red breaks parole he is taking control of his life. 1. What do you think the above statement means? Explain it in your words, and use evidence from the text. Power and Control

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