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The Genesis of the Solar System and Earth´s Atmosphere Physical Fundamentals of Global Change Processes 5.12.2006 Katharina Tomaschek GCM.

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Presentation on theme: "The Genesis of the Solar System and Earth´s Atmosphere Physical Fundamentals of Global Change Processes 5.12.2006 Katharina Tomaschek GCM."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Genesis of the Solar System and Earth´s Atmosphere Physical Fundamentals of Global Change Processes 5.12.2006 Katharina Tomaschek GCM

2 Content Evolution of the Earth´s Atmosphere Genesis of the Solar System - Theories Questions Discussion ms: I suppose that the genesis of the Solar System happened before the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore it might be more logical (or at least chronological) to choose this order instead of the choice presented here.


4 -One of the earliest types of bacteria were the cyanobacteria -Fossil evidence indicates that bacteria shaped like these existed approximately 3.3 billion years ago and were the first oxygen-producing evolving phototropic organisms They were responsible for the initial conversion of the earth's atmosphere from an anoxic state to an oxic state during the period 2.7 to 2.2 billion years ago Being the first to carry out oxygenic photosynthesis, they were able to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen, playing a major role in oxygenating the atmosphere

5 - Photosynthesizing plants evolved, the levels of oxygen increased significantly, while carbon dioxide levels decreased - With the appearance of an ozone layer lifeforms were better protected from ultraviolet radiation - This oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere is the "third atmosphere„

6 Genesis of the Solar System

7 The Big Bang Theory -dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe -cosmic explosion -10 billion and 20 billion years ago -distant galaxies are going away from us with speeds proportional to their distance -existence of cosmic background radiation -current scientific consensus supports the occurrence of a Big Bang

8 Steady state theory -new matter is continuously created as the universe expands -universe is homogenous and isotropic in space and time -large number of supporters among cosmologists in the 1950´s and 1960´s -supporters decreased markedly in the late 1960s

9 The holy bible - Genesis „God created the oceans and the land“ „Life can't arise on its own from dead chemicals“

10 Steady state theory = nonsense holy bible - Genesis = nonsense Big Bang!? ms: I rather suggest to use more sophisticated formulations like: steady state theory = obsolete holy bible - Genesis = obscure ms: I rather suggest to use more sophisticated formulations like: steady state theory = obsolete holy bible - Genesis = obscure

11 Questions How can a sphere of infinite mass, and therefore infinite gravity, explode? Is there enough energy to keep the universe expanding? Or will it eventually cave back in on itself? Is the universe constant, or is it random? What is the origin of the solar system? Is life a rare and unusual or even unique event in the evolution of the universe or is it adaptable, widespread and common? Thank you for your attention!

12 Comments for Katharina Tomaschek from Manfred Stock 1.The genesis of the Earth’s atmosphere has been presented clipped and precise in only 4 slides and 4 minutes. But only 9 of the possible 20 minutes were used for the total presentation and I think it’s a pity that the time hasn’t been used to deepen some additional aspects like –Evolution of life forms (prokaryotes and eukaryotes, Cambrian explosion) –Relation between atmosphere, life forms and climate –repeating some slides from my lectures (why not?) 2.For instance there is an essential part missing: namely the formation of the Solar System explaining the different starting conditions for the planetary atmospheres. Some links are given on my page, or see -> Lecture 13: The Nebular Theory of the origin of the Solar System Lecture 13: The Nebular Theory of the origin of the Solar System Lecture 13: The Nebular Theory of the origin of the Solar System 3.Too spare with claiming sources and giving links. 4.I like the questions raised because we had a nice opportunity for a more detailed discussion succeeding the presentation.

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