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CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 WORKSHOP A: Preparing an application – focus on activities and partnership Project development seminar Prague, 1-2 February.

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Presentation on theme: "CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 WORKSHOP A: Preparing an application – focus on activities and partnership Project development seminar Prague, 1-2 February."— Presentation transcript:

1 CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME 2007-2013 WORKSHOP A: Preparing an application – focus on activities and partnership Project development seminar Prague, 1-2 February 2010 Monika Schönerklee-Grasser JTS CENTRAL EUROPE PROGRAMME

2 OVERVIEW  Application Form – Structure and Content  Assessment criteria  Source of information and support for applicants

3 1- Basic Information 2- Project Outline 2.1 Relevance 2.2 Methodology 2.3 Sustainability and Knowledge Management 2.4 Partnership 2.5. Investment 3- Work Plan 4- Project Partners 5- Project Budget 6- Timeline (Visualisation of Work Plan) APPLICATION FORM Structure

4 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY  Background  Project objectives General objective Specific objective (purpose)  Transnational cooperation  Partnership  Main activities, outputs and results  Background  Project objectives General objective Specific objective (purpose)  Transnational cooperation  Partnership  Main activities, outputs and results Clear and concise description of

5 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 2.1: RELEVANCE  History of project idea  Project general and specific objectives  Contribution to overall goals of Programme  Addressed problems/issues  at Priority and AoI level  at regional/country level  Target groups/beneficiaries (quantification, needs)  Transnational cooperation  Relation to policies (EU/national/regional)  Innovative elements  History of project idea  Project general and specific objectives  Contribution to overall goals of Programme  Addressed problems/issues  at Priority and AoI level  at regional/country level  Target groups/beneficiaries (quantification, needs)  Transnational cooperation  Relation to policies (EU/national/regional)  Innovative elements Comprehensive description of objectives and justification of the project proposal

6 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 2.2: METHODOLOGY  Approach and methodology  Past and current initiatives  Lessons learned  Constraints and risks  Types of Action – Core outputs  Independent appraisal  If applicable, activities outside CE Programme area  Approach and methodology  Past and current initiatives  Lessons learned  Constraints and risks  Types of Action – Core outputs  Independent appraisal  If applicable, activities outside CE Programme area Clear description of project methodology to implement the project

7 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 2.2: METHODOLOGY - TYPES OF ACTION (predefined) Types of Action (predefined) Joint transnational strategy and action plan Transnational tool development Joint management establishment Investment preparation Pilot Actions including investments → At least one Type of Action has to be chosen → Core outputs have to clearly relate to one selected Type of Action chosen

8 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 2.3: SUSTAINABILITY  Sustainability of project achievements  Ownership of results  Transferability of results  Knowledge management  External communication/ dissemination  Experience & skills of Communiation Manager  Sustainability of project achievements  Ownership of results  Transferability of results  Knowledge management  External communication/ dissemination  Experience & skills of Communiation Manager Clear description of strategy and tools for dissemination and further implementation at institutional/financial and political level

9 OUTPUTS & RESULTS: SUSTAINABILITY OF RESULTS 3 dimensions of sustainability :  Financial sustainability - Financing follow up activities  Institutional sustainability - Which structures will allow, and how, the results of the project to continue to be in place after the end of the action? - local "ownership" of project outputs  Political sustainability - What structural impact will the project have? - e.g. will it lead to improved legislation, codes of conduct, methods?

10 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 2.4: PARTNERSHIP  Relevance of partnership  Involvement of stakeholders and key actors  Degree of transnational cooperation  Coordination and management structure (including finance management)  Internal communication  Roles and responsibilities of partners  Experience and skills of Project & Finance Manager  If applicable, sub-contracted management activities  Associated institutions  Relevance of partnership  Involvement of stakeholders and key actors  Degree of transnational cooperation  Coordination and management structure (including finance management)  Internal communication  Roles and responsibilities of partners  Experience and skills of Project & Finance Manager  If applicable, sub-contracted management activities  Associated institutions Clear demonstration of relevance of partnership for issues to be addressed (competent for development, implementation and dissemination)

11 Partners should… … be relevant bodies actually competent for the development, implementation and dissemination. …. be involved in the project in a balanced way and be able to credibly outline benefits derived from the partnership and transnational cooperation. As a general rule, the bigger the number of partners, the more complex it is to manage the project. Therefore, only partners necessary to achieve the project objectives should be brought on board. Even if larger partnerships will not be excluded, the recommended number of partners is from 8 up to 12. PARTNERSHIP: CHARACTERISTICS

12 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 2.5: INVESTMENT Clear pilot character and transnational added value of investments - should be transferable and the transfer of results should form part of the project In case investments are foreseen:  Preparatory steps for the investment already carried out  Investment characteristics  Beneficiaries  Impact  Transnational added value  Sustainability In case investments are foreseen:  Preparatory steps for the investment already carried out  Investment characteristics  Beneficiaries  Impact  Transnational added value  Sustainability

13 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 3: WORK PLAN – STRUCTURE WORK PACKAGE – ACTION - (CORE) OUTPUTS Work packages: o WP0: Project preparation (pre-defined) - optional o WP1, WP2: Pre-defined & compulsory WP1: Project management and coordination WP2: Communication, knowledge management & dissemination o WP3-WP6: Thematic work packages (self-defined by project) Actions: o WP1-2: up to 4 actions (partly predefined) o WP3-6: up to 6 actions Outputs: o 1-20 outputs per action o Tangible deliverables (studies, seminars, folders, etc.) Core Outputs and their results: o 0-4 Core Outputs per action (at least 1 per work package) o Major outputs produced by project o Have to correspond to „Types of Action“ Outputs (up to 20 per action) Actions (2-6 per WP) Work package (up to 6 WPs) WPxAction x.1Output x.1.1Output x.1.2……Action x.2Output x.2.1Output x.2.2….Action x.3Output x.3.1Output x.3.2…Action x.4 Core Output x.4.1 …........……

14 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 3: WORK PLAN WP0: Project preparation (optional) WP1, WP2: Pre-defined & compulsory WP1: Project management and coordination WP2: Communication, knowledge management and dissemination WP3-WP6: Thematic work packages (self-defined by the project) WP0: Project preparation (optional) WP1, WP2: Pre-defined & compulsory WP1: Project management and coordination WP2: Communication, knowledge management and dissemination WP3-WP6: Thematic work packages (self-defined by the project)  Summary description of WP  Definition of actions and outputs (qualitative and quantitative, timing and availability)  Detailed description of Core Outputs  If applicable, justification of activities outside CE Programme area  Summary description of WP  Definition of actions and outputs (qualitative and quantitative, timing and availability)  Detailed description of Core Outputs  If applicable, justification of activities outside CE Programme area

15 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 4: PROJECT PARTNERS  Contact details  Institution profile  Experience in (managing) cooperation projects  Technical expertise and capacity relevant for the project  Contributions to the project  Expected benefits from the project  Contact details  Institution profile  Experience in (managing) cooperation projects  Technical expertise and capacity relevant for the project  Contributions to the project  Expected benefits from the project

16 APPLICATION FORM TIMELINE  Visualisation of work plan  Provides an overview on sequence of actions and work packages  Timeline of work packages will be automatically generated from the inserted WP data  Visualisation of work plan  Provides an overview on sequence of actions and work packages  Timeline of work packages will be automatically generated from the inserted WP data

17 APPLICATION FORM SECTION 5: PROJECT BUDGET Will be dealt separately – see Workshop B (Budget)

18 Assessment Criteria reflect the information to be provided in the sections of the Application form  Basis for funding decision of the MC  Projects should set particular emphasis on all criteria during project preparation to be successful QUALITY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1.Relevance (what for?) 2.Implementation and methodology (how?) 3.Quality of the outputs and sustainability of the expected results (what?) 4.Partnership technical and operational capacity (who?) 5.Budget and cost-effectiveness (how much?)

19 APPLICATION PACKAGE What has to be submitted? APPLICATION FORM 3 rd Call + ANNEXES 3 rd Call (Templates will be available as from Offical Launch of 3rd Call) Do not submit additional information or documents!

20 ANNEXES What has to be submitted?  Map Location of Partners  Management Structure (Flow-Chart– no template provided) DECLARATIONS  Co-financing Statements incl. Declaration on administrative and financial capacities and on legal status (different forms depending on the status of the partner)  Declaration on status in relation to State Aid  Simplified Financial Statement and related supporting documents (only private Lead Applicants, Priority 1)

21  Operational Programme  Application Manual  Instructions for Applicants: How to complete the AF  Control and Audit Guidelines  Implementation Manual  FAQs SOURCES OF INFORMATION

22  Internet Platform (  Publications  Lead Applicant Briefings - Krakow, Poland: 25-26 March 2010 - Bratislava, Slovakia: 15-16 April 2010  Individual Consultations on demand JTS SUPPORT TO APPLICANTS

23   Thematically structured in line with the four programme priorities  Daily updated news  Permanently updated calendar of events  Document Centre  „How to implement“- Section  Tools and FAQs  Discussion forum JTS SUPPORT: Programme Website Updates: Please register on our website and we will keep you posted!

24 CENTRAL EUROPE Programme Joint Technical Secretariat Museumstrasse 3/A/III A-1070 Vienna Email: Internet: CONTACT Thank you for your attention!

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