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2 Texture What is it? What types are there?
How can we elaborate textures? Some examples of textures in art

3 1. What is texture? Texture is the surface quality of materials.
Texture tells us what material things are made of. Artists can imitate textures or use real textures to appeal the viewer. The texture of a surface can be smooth, rough, coarse, grainy… Smooth texture Rough texture Coarse texture Grainy texture

4 1 Types of textures: Natural
Natural textures can be found on the surface of the elements of nature: Tree bark, mountain rocks, fruit peel, the surface of leaves, the skin of animals…

5 Types of textures: Artificial
Artificial textures are man-made. We often create objects that imitate nature or natural textures: artificial plants, a woollen sweater… Sometimes we use natural materials to make artificial objects: furniture made from wood, pots from mud clay…

6 Types of textures: Tactile
Everyboy knows that dunes are made of sand, but we only appreciate their grainy texture when we touch them or look closer Tactile texture is perceived through touch (hands) and sight (eyes). When we touch and observe the surface of objects, we perceive if it has relief, if it is smooth, rough or coarse. Light produces different visual effects on textures

7 Types of textures: Visual or graphic
Visual or graphic texture is the representation of tactile textures by means of graphic procedures like painting, drawing, photography… That is why we only appreciate them through the sense of sight. . Graphic or visual textures can imitate the texture of objects

8 2. How can we elaborate textures? These are some techniques:
• Frottage • Collage

9 Frottage This technique consists of putting a sheet of paper over textured surfaces and then rubbing a soft pencil across the paper. Using this technique we can reproduce natural or artificial texture like in the examples.

10 Collage The word collage comes from the French verb "coller," meaning "to paste." In this technique photographs, news clippings or other objects are pasted on the painting surface and may be combined with painted areas.

11 Stencil Tècnica gràfica que consisteix en aplicar polvores de color o pintura a través d’una plantilla (anomenada estergit o trepa) amb el dibuix a obtenir retallat o buidat. Exemples de Banksy

12 3. Textures in art Artistic referencies: Barceló Pollock Tàpies




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