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International Maritime Organization

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1 International Maritime Organization

2 International Maritime Organization
A specialized agency of the United Nations Established by The IMO Convention in 1948 Responsible for measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping Prevent marine pollution from ships

3 International Maritime Organization
Assembly Council MS Comitee MEP Comitee Legal Comitee TC Comitee Facilition Comite Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue Sub-Committee on Standardsof Training and Watchkeeping Sub-Committee on Stability, Load Lines and Fishing Vessel Safety Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Equipment Sub-Committee on Flag State Implementation Sub-Committee on Bulk Liquids and Gases Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers Sub-Committee on Fire Protection

4 International Maritime Organization
Assembly Consists of all member states Meets once every two years in regular sessions Responsible for approving the work programmes Votes the budget of IMO Determine the financial arrangements of IMO Elects the Council of IMO

5 International Maritime Organization
Assembly Council Elected by the Assembly for two-year terms Supervises the work of the Organization Performs all the functions of the Assembly between sessions Considers the draft work programme and budget estimates of the Organization and submit them to the Assembly Appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the Assembly Enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the relationship of the Organization with other organizations

6 Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
The functions of the Maritime Safety Committee are to “consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with aids to navigation, construction and equipment of vessels, manning from a safety standpoint, rules for the prevention of collisions, handling of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures and requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and navigational records, marine casualty investigations, salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting maritime safety”.

7 The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
The MEPC, which consists of all Member States, is empowered to consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with prevention and control of pollution from ships. In particular it is concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions and other regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement.

8 Legal Committee The Legal Committee is empowered to deal with any legal matters within the scope of the Organization. The Committee consists of all Member States of IMO.

9 Technical Co-operation Committee
The Technical Co-operation Committee is required to consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with the implementation of technical co-operation projects for which the Organization acts as the executing or co-operating agency and any other matters related to the Organization’s activities in the technical co-operation field.

10 Facilitation Committee
The Facilitation Committee is a subsidiary body of the Council. It was established in May 1972 and deals with IMO’s work in eliminating unnecessary formalities and “red tape” in international shipping. Participation in the Facilitation Committee is open to all Member States of IMO.

11 International Maritime Organization
United Nations’ agency Headquarter:London 164 Member States Adopt International Conventions

12 IMO’s headquarter in London

13 IMO News Magazine IMO News is the Organization's quarterly magazine.
It is published four times a year and is free of charge.

14 Is IMO Succesful? Lloyd Underwriter Marine Intelligence Unit statistics show 180 vessels lost in 1991 reduced to less 80 in 2001 ITOPF reports the average number of large oil spill incidents per year during the 1990s was about 1/3 rd of that witnessed in 1970s.

15 ITU Post Graduate Student
Celal Cay ITU Post Graduate Student 2005

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