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Animal Farm Vocabulary Chs. 1-3

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1 Animal Farm Vocabulary Chs. 1-3

2 cutter horse rake  hayfield chicken pophole
The basement entry into a house is a scullery chicken pophole cutter horse rake  hayfield

3 ENSCONCED VERB Definition: hide; tuck away Antonyms: Synonyms: reveal
conceal bury cover Antonyms: reveal uncover unveil As winter approached, I found myself ensconced in my Snuggie more often.

4 Definition: characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings
BENEVOLENT ADJECTIVE Synonyms: charitable kind considerate Antonyms: greedy selfish spiteful It turns out that his motives were not so benevolent.

5 CYNICAL Definition: bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic ADJECTIVE Synonyms: nonbelieving doubtful skeptical Antonyms: optimistic hopeful trusting After crashing his car five times, I was cynical about his driving abilities.

6 TYRANNY NOUN Definition:
the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. TYRANNY NOUN Synonyms: dictatorship totality Fascism Antonyms: democracy The people of Libya are finally free from Gadaffi’s tyranny.

7 VICES NOUN Definition: an immoral or evil habit or practice Antonyms:
good point propriety virtue Synonyms: bad habit sin corruption Of his many vices, smoking is the worst.

8 PREEMINENT Definition: extremely high in rank or distinguished; outstanding ADJECTIVE Synonyms: beyond compare first rate optimum Antonyms: worst The most preeminent reality shows are The Biggest Loser and X Factor.

9 Definition: lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting
APATHY NOUN Synonym: uncaring attitude aloofness lack of interest Antonyms: sensitivity interest passion His apathy about budgeting his money caused him to lose his car.

10 Definition: to skip about, as in dancing or playing; frolic.
GAMBOLLED VERB Synonyms: tumble playfully frolic horse around Antonyms: walk seriously After we brought the kittens home, they gambolled all over the yard.

11 DOLE VERB Definition: to give out Antonyms: hold keep take Synonym:
supply administer contribute It seems like I dole out money to my kids all the time.

12 SHIRK VERB Definition: to evade (work, duty, responsibility, etc.).
Synonyms: elude get around avoid Antonyms: do face meet When I ask her to clean her room, she shirks her responsibility.

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