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Grade 8 Poetry.

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1 Grade 8 Poetry

2 Dramatic Read of a Poem A dramatic reading is when you come up with actions and different speech patterns to go along with a piece of writing. Not every person has to speak all of the time, but each person should say something. The actions should some what relate to the piece of writing, but it can be abstract.

3 Dramatic Reading of a Poem
Some ideas for different speech patterns: Repeating Whispering Yelling Speaking one after another

4 Examples:

5 Dramatic Reading of a Poem
You will be broken up into groups of 5-6. You will read through the poem with your group. Everyone will work together to come up with a skit to go along with the poem. You cannot change any words in the poem.

6 Bio-Poem A bio-poem is an example of a free verse poem that tells the reader more about you. Having a sense of rhythm and coherence is important, try and make your responses flow nicely.

7 Haiku The haiku is a Japanese verse that has 3 lines. Line 1 has 5 syllables, line 2 has 7 syllables and line 3 has 5 syllables. It is a mood poem and does not use any metaphors or similes. They are usually written about nature.

8 Breath condenses in the air Staining the view for us all
Haiku Examples Cold winter morning Breath condenses in the air Everyone pollutes By: Hari Srinivas Rusty tin sits spoiled Staining the view for us all Pick up already By: Patti Linder-Dodd

9 Haiku Examples The sun and the wind Can energize everything
Time is running out By: H. G. Moser Bake the Earth a cake Throw a party for nature, Clean up when you’re done By: Pat Fletcher

10 Acrostic Poems A type of poetry where the first or last letter in a line are written vertically down the page and spell out a particular word or phrase. Each line has a word or a short phrase that begins with that letter. The word of phrase should be about the vertical word.

11 Acrostic Poem Example An acrostic poem Creates a challenge
Random words on a theme Or whole sentences Select your words carefully To form a word from top to bottom Is the aim of this poetry style Choose a word then go!

12 Acrostic Poem Example Each person conserving energy
Assisting in protecting our planet Reducing, reusing and recycling Together we can save the Earth Helping to heal our world.

13 Ideas to choose from: Freedom Inequality Difference Rights Peace
Justice Power A topic of your choice following the same theme. (Tell me before you start)

14 Limerick a humorous, light hearted verse of three long and two short lines. The first, second and fifth lines are usually longer than the third and fourth. The Rhyme Scheme is AABBA. When recited Limerick’s have a very strong beat.

15 Limerick Structure A Limerick consists of five lines.
The first line of a limerick poem usually begins with 'There was a....' and ends with a name, person or place. The last line of a limerick is normally a little farfetched or unusual. A limerick should have a rhyme scheme of aabba: This means lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 rhyme. Lines 1,2 and 5 should have 7 – 10 syllables and lines 3 and 4 should have 5 – 7 syllables.




19 Free Verse An open form of poetry Does not follow any set of rules
They have no particular rhyme, rhythm, or structure Tends to follow the natural rhythm of speech.

20 Examples of Free Verse The Earth-ling Brian Patten Pg. 218
The Child Who Walks Backwards Lorna Crozier Pg. 96

21 Here is an example:                                Thrill Ride Up. Up. Click, click. Wind blows sharp in my ears. My heart jumps. Skips. It’s up. It’s up higher. It’s up, up the highest. Hands grasp at the clouds. Then a forever pause. Still. Waiting. Finally. Whoosh! Steep drop down, down, down.

22 Summer Lollipop Licking a lolly slowly, sunlight lapping at the lazy lake. Lovely evening, lovely lolly, lazy life.

23 Night crept in, slow and smooth. It smothered the city in darkness.
Lights in windows of tall buildings blinked, One. Two. Again. And opened their bright eyes.

24 Cinquain Line1: One word Line2: Two words Line 3: Three words
Line 4: Four words Line 5: One word

25 Dinosaurs Lived once, Long ago, but Only dust and dreams Remain (by Cindy Barden)

26 Fighting, charging, slaughtering Worried, delighted, brave, fearsome
Knights Armour ,shields Fighting, charging, slaughtering Worried, delighted, brave, fearsome Crusaders

27 Diamante A diamante is an unrhymed seven-line poem.
The beginning and ending lines are the shortest, while the lines in the middle are longer, giving diamante poems a diamond shape. “Diamante” is the Italian word for diamond

28 Noun Adjective, Adjective Verb, Verb, Verb Noun, Noun, Noun, Noun Verb, Verb, Verb Adjective, Adjective Noun

29 Diamante (synonym example)
Monsters Evil, Spooky Howling, Shrieking, Wailing Ghosts, Vampires, Goblins, Witches Flying, Scaring, Terrifying Creepy, Crawly Creatures

30 Diamante (antonym example)
Cat Gentle, Sleepy Purring, Meowing, Scratching Whiskers, Fur, Collar, Leash Barking, Licking, Digging Slobbery, Playful Dog

31 Found Poetry A type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them. You can make changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning.



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