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Welcome to 8 th Grade RELA I’m looking forward to a great, new, and exciting year. This presentation is an overview of rules, expectations, procedures,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade RELA I’m looking forward to a great, new, and exciting year. This presentation is an overview of rules, expectations, procedures,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade RELA I’m looking forward to a great, new, and exciting year. This presentation is an overview of rules, expectations, procedures, and classroom information ---Ms. Wages

2 You are the… Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School Class of 2014 High School Class of Class of 2018 College Class of Class of 2022

3 Why is it important to graduate?

4 No High School Diploma High School Diploma 4-yr College Degree Professional Degree (doctor, lawyer)

5 Why is it important to read?

6 Time spent reading books is the best predictor of a student’s reading proficiency. (Anderson, Wilson, & Fielding, 1988)

7 Variation in amount of independent reading of books Percentile Rank on Standardized Tests Minutes Read Per Day Words Read Per Year 98654,358,000 9021.11,823,000 8014.21,146,000 709.6622,200 606.5432,000 504.6282,000 403.2200,000 301.8106,000 200.721,000 100.18,000 20.00

8 Why is this important? The more you independently read, the better you will tend to do on standardized tests Doing well on standardized tests will help you get through high school and college Rockstar Reader Avenue MSA English HSA Goal High SchoolCollege

9 Reading Program Your goal will be to read at least 25 books this school year. Of course, you may always increase this goal. This includes books read in and out of class You will be turning in a reading response log every two weeks In addition, you will also be completing mini-projects

10 What are Student Responsibilities? Complete Reader Response Logs and turn in every two weeks (Homework) Maintain ISN journal (Classwork) Participate in our reading program Do ALL WORK!! Come to class prepared

11 School Expectations Follow ALL MLK school rules Keep your cell phone turned off and out of sight If you are late to class, you will receive a tardy card unless you have a pass. If you are absent from school, you must submit a note to your homeroom teacher. Be nice!!!

12 Expectations (continued) Come to class every day prepared with: Pencils and Pens ISN Notebook (will discuss in class) Glue Stick Blank loose leaf paper Ask Ms. Wages permission to move from your seat. Respect others, yourself, and the classroom materials.

13 Consequences (Possible) 1.Warning (name on board) 2.Seat change 3.Removal from class 4.Phone call home 5.Time out of class 6.PS-74 Some actions, such as continued disobedience or disrespect, lead directly to a PS- 74. These are listed in your agenda book.

14 Rewards (Possible) An orderly classroom environment for learning Renaissance Cards A weekly raffle A small prize will be given Positive phone call home

15 Grading Scale 25% Classwork 25% Homework 50% Tests and Quizzes

16 Materials Needed 1 5-Star Mead Spiral Notebook Blue and Black pens; pencils Glue Stick School Scissors Pencil Pouch 3-Ring Binder with loose leaf paper

17 Procedures – Entering the Classroom Line up outside the door, next to the library windows Walk-in silently and calmly Go directly to your assigned seat Place your homework in the top right hand corner of your desk Write homework in your agenda book Begin reading your Independent Reading Book

18 Leaving Class You may not leave class during the first or last 10 minutes This is a non-negotiable, school rule You may only leave the class during independent work time I will not release you to use the restroom unless it is truly an emergency You must use your bathroom coupons in order to use the bathroom

19 Procedure – Leaving Class Use the clock to make sure you are allowed to leave class at this time You may only leave during independent work Silently raise your hand and wait for Ms. Wages to come over to you Do not argue if you are told that this is not an appropriate time to leave class

20 Writing Utensils You must come to class with 3-4 pens and pencils You may use blue or black ink pens (NOT markers) or a pencil If you do not have a writing utensil, you may use Cobra Cash to borrow one for the day If you do not have Cobra Cash, borrow a writing utensil from a classmate You may not request to borrow one while someone else is speaking to the class

21 Procedure – Borrowing a Writing Utensil Have your Cobra Cash ready Check to make sure no one is speaking before you raise your hand to request a writing utensil Silently raise your hand and wait for Ms. Wages to come over to you

22 Procedure- Garbage/Sharpening Pencils Throw it away before or after class You may not throw away garbage during class time Do not sharpen pencils while someone is talking to the class. Raise your hand to ask when there is no one talking. This violates the expectations that you will not leave your seat without permission

23 Procedure – Walking Around the School If we leave Room 201 as a class (to go to lunch, the computer lab, or anywhere else) you must ensure that you walk in a straight, single-file line Keep your hands to yourself Eyes and body facing forward Absolutely silent Before you line up, check to ensure that your uniform is on properly. You will not be allowed to leave until the entire class is wearing the uniform correctly

24 Procedure – Exiting the Classroom Quickly gather all of your materials. Check around your desk for materials or trash to throw away Wait silently for Ms. Wages to dismiss you When your group has been dismissed, silently line up inside the classroom Wait until Ms. Wages opens the door for you to leave While in the hallway, walk silently in a straight line

25 Syllabus and Procedures We will review the syllabus and the rest of the procedures from the handout you will be given. You will have a quiz on classroom procedures and rules this Friday

26 Other Information Class Website

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