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Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and the Majorana Neutrino

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1 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and the Majorana Neutrino
By Andrew Eberhardt

2 History: Pauli and Weyl
[3] Pauli observes continuous beta decay spectrum (1930) Energy conservation problem Solution is neutrino Weyl Fermion Only two states Speed is c

3 History: Goldhaber Eu152 sample in a magnetic field
[4] Eu152 sample in a magnetic field decays via electron capture Photon an neutrino have opposite helicity Photon emission angle is related to neutrino helicity All photons exit in the same direction All neutrinos must be left helicity No implications for Weyl neutrinos

4 History: Neutrino Mass
[5] Neutrinos are not massless The Weyl model must be wrong Uniform helicity of neutrinos is now concerning

5 Majorana v Dirac: wavefunctions
[3] Majorana: Are their own anti particle Combination of a handed and anti other handed Weyl fermion left handed particle state and right handed antiparticle state Dirac: Have distinct anti-particles Combination of independent left and right handed Weyl fermions Interacting left handed particle state and right handed antiparticle state and sterile right handed particle state and left handed antiparticle state [7]

6 Majorana v Dirac: Autobahn Helicity Paradox
[2] Massive particles are subluminal All neutrinos are left helicity What would happen if we boosted past the neutrino? Theoretically we could test using accelerator Majorana: As the neutrino is overtaken the helicity flips and the neutrino reacts as an anti-neutrino Dirac: As the neutrino is overtaken the helicity left neutrino is sterilized and the helicity right neutrino is desterilized [2] [2]

7 Majorana v Dirac: Feynman Rules
[3] Majorana: Particles incoming are equivalent to anti particles outgoing or anti particles incoming with a phase shift and vice versa Dirac: Particles incoming are equivalent to antiparticles outgoing and vice versa [3] [6]

8 Experiments: Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
[1] neutrinoless double beta decay no neutrinos are emitted The electrons carry away all the energy

9 Experiments: How do they work?
A large amount of an isotope that can decay via double beta decay (e.g. Ca-48, Cd-116, Ge-76, Mo-100, Nd-150, Xe-136) Measure beta energies Analyze the end of the spectrum This peak puts limits on the mass mixing terms (<mee>) Currently limiting lifetime of neutrinoless double beta decay

10 Experiments: What is planned?
[1] Experiment Isotope AMoRE Mo-100 CANDLES Ca-48 COBRA Cd-116, Te-130 DCBA Se-82, Nd-150 EXO Xe-136 GERDA Ge-76 KamLAND-Zen LUCIFER Se-82, Mo-100, Nd-150 MAJORANA MOON NEXT SNO+ Nd-150 SuperNEMO XMASS

11 Implications: Mass Heiarchy
[1] Informs the neutrino mass hierarchy Measurements of neutrinoless double beta decay put vertical constraints on this graph Measurements of the lightest neutrino mass put horizontal constraints on this graph

12 Implications: New Physics
[1] Indication of physics beyond the Standard Model Majorana Fermions See-saw mechanism

13 Implications: Leptogensis
[7] Neutrinoless double beta decay does not conserve lepton number This could help explain the matter-anitmatter asymmetry Leptogenesis may also be able to be linked to baryogenesis

14 Bibliography Rodejohann W., “Neutrinoless double-beta decay and neutrino physics”, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, November 2012 Jentschura U., Wundt B., “Neutrino helicity reversal and fundamental symmetries”, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, April 2014 Pal P., “Dirac, Majorana, and Weyl fermions”, American Journal of Physics No. 79 pg. 485, 2011 Goldhaber M., Grodzins L., Sunyar A., “Helicity of Neutinos”, December 1957

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