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 Britain: 750,000 killed; 1,500,000 wounded  France: 1,400,000 killed; 2,500,000 wounded  Belgium: 50,000 killed  Italy: 600,000 killed  Russia:

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Presentation on theme: " Britain: 750,000 killed; 1,500,000 wounded  France: 1,400,000 killed; 2,500,000 wounded  Belgium: 50,000 killed  Italy: 600,000 killed  Russia:"— Presentation transcript:


2  Britain: 750,000 killed; 1,500,000 wounded  France: 1,400,000 killed; 2,500,000 wounded  Belgium: 50,000 killed  Italy: 600,000 killed  Russia: 1,700,000 killed  America: 116,000 killed

3  Germany: 2,000,000 killed  Austria-Hungary: 1,200,000 killed  Turkey: 325,000 killed  Bulgaria: 100,000 killed  Total for both sides:  15 million dead  21 million wounded

4 Poelcapelle, Belgium

5 Vaux, France

6 Verdun, France


8 French home


10 Ypres


12  Great Britain  France  America  They decided what would happened to Germany and the other Central Powers

13  Territorial: the following land was taken from Germany  Alsace-Lorraine (to France)  Eupen and Malmedy (to Belgium)  Northern Schleswig (to Denmark)  Hultschin (to Czechoslovakia)  West Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia (to Poland)  Saar, Danzig and Memel put under control of League of Nations (future vote by people whether to be part of Germany or not)  Any land taken from Russia in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and some of Poland)



16  Military:  German army reduced to 100,000 men  No tanks allowed  No air force allowed  6 navy ships, no submarines  Demilitarized the Rhineland


18  Forbidden to enter into any treaty with Austria  Germany had to admit full responsibility for the war  Who started the war?  Because Germany was “responsible” for starting the war, she was held accountable for ALL the war damage  About £6,600 million

19  League of Nations  Precursor to United Nations  Thought of by Woodrow Wilson (although U.S. did not join)  Purpose was to keep world peace

20  Keep in mind Germany was not consulted on the treaty  Anger from the German people  No choice but to sign because they didn’t have the military strength to continue the war; it was either sign or be invaded by the allies

21  Austria signed Treaty of Saint Germain  Hungary signed Treaty of Trianon  Austria and Hungary made into two separate countries  Czechoslovakia created  Land went to Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Italy  Military reduced  Pay reparations

22  Bulgaria signed Treaty of Neuilly  Lost land to Yugoslavia, reduced military, reparations  Ottoman Empire signed Treaty of Sevres  Lost most of her land in Europe  Syria, Lebanon went to France  Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine went to Britain  Allied armies occupied what was left (area of modern-day Turkey)

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