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STAFF/CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (S/CDN) September 14, 2006 Albany Marriott Hotel Presented by: Jean C. Stevens Interim Deputy Commissioner New York.

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Presentation on theme: "STAFF/CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (S/CDN) September 14, 2006 Albany Marriott Hotel Presented by: Jean C. Stevens Interim Deputy Commissioner New York."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAFF/CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (S/CDN) September 14, 2006 Albany Marriott Hotel Presented by: Jean C. Stevens Interim Deputy Commissioner New York State Education Department Albany, New York

2 The Next Stage of Reform: A P-16 Strategy

3 Background: Improvement in student achievement over the last decade. Global education boom. Focus on high impact strategies.

4 Summit Aims 1.Every child will get a good start. 2.Every child will read by second grade. 3.Everyone will complete middle level education ready for high school. 4.Everyone will graduate from high school ready for work, higher education and citizenship. 5.People who begin higher education will complete their programs. 6.People of all ages who seek more knowledge and skill will have the fullest opportunity to continue their education.

5 What will it take to accomplish these aims? Unprecedented collaboration among parents, employers, community leaders and educators. Harnessing the power of the University of the State of New York (USNY). Focus on transitions throughout early childhood to higher education. Creating new efficiencies and effectiveness in systems and structures.

6 Students: Young Children/Early Readers Advocate for increased investment in Pre-k. Support transition from Pre-k to kindergarten. Make scientifically-based reading strategies available to all schools and teachers. Expand family and early childhood literacy programs in public libraries and museums.

7 Students: Children with Disabilities Set annual state targets for improvement in important outcomes for students with disabilities. Identify school districts with the poorest performance for assistance or intervention. Direct school districts to spend IDEA funds on specific improvements when performance data is significantly below the State targets.

8 Students: English Language Learners (ELL) Publish data on ELL achievement by school and hold schools accountable. Direct improvements in low performing school districts. Create a “community of practice” among school district leaders and teachers.

9 Students: In High Schools Set standards for graduation rate and attendance. Align the Regents and Big 5 strategies for improving graduation.

10 Students: In Post-secondary Education Report college persistence and graduation data. Increase investment in programs that focus academic support and other resources on under- represented students.

11 Systems: Raise the Learning Standards Adopt a schedule and process to review, revise and raise student learning standards. Benchmark standards of other states and nations. Align standards, curriculum, assessment and instructional practice.

12 Systems: Strengthen Teaching and Instruction Report the percentage of low income and minority students, as compared to other students, who are assigned unqualified, out-of-field or inexperienced teachers in core courses. Define, reduce, and then eliminate the inequitable distribution of teaching talent. Monitor and enforce the 175-hour requirement to focus professional development on promising instructional practices related to improving student achievement.

13 Systems: Accountability Increase SED capacity to audit school data on student achievement, finance, staffing, violent incidents and other information about performance. Set measurable performance targets for achievement, attendance and graduation rates. Hold schools accountable for improvements. Connect K-12 and higher education data systems to support P-16 improvement.

14 Structures: Expand health and mental health collaborations with schools Identify schools whose children who have poor outcomes on standard health and mental health indicators. Create a vision and leadership framework for an integrated education, health and mental health collaboration to enable teaching and learning in high needs schools and communities.

15 Structures: Strengthen USNY and focus that strengthen on the P-16 strategy Create a P-16 Council to advise on the coherence of the education system from early through post- secondary education.

16 Structures: Focus regional units on a coherent reform strategy Adopt a Regents policy on regional education networks to promote joint action on a P-16 strategy to improve results.

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