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Madison Roswell 4 May 2015.  Poverty is defined as a “state of deprivation, or lack of the usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.”

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1 Madison Roswell 4 May 2015

2  Poverty is defined as a “state of deprivation, or lack of the usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions.” (

3  45 million people in America live in poverty (www.huffingtonpostcom, “45 million Americans still stuck below poverty line”)www.huffingtonpostcom  Mississippi has the highest rate of students attending school from low income families at 71%. (


5  Students from low income families are more likely to: Have low test scores Drop out of school End up on government assistance or in prison Source: Photo Source: www.americanradioworks.publicr www.americanradioworks.publicr

6  Students from impoverished families are less likely to attend college.  Large learning gap between low income students and students from wealthier families.  The families of low income students are less involved in their education.  Source Point One:  Source Point Two:

7  Students who are from impoverished families often suffer from: Insecurity due to weak bonding during infancy Depression Aggression Social Withdraw Source for points two and three: Source for points four and five:

8 Source:

9  SNAP (Food Stamps)  Medicaid; AR Kids in Arkansas  WIC  Pell Grants for college

10  TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)  No Child Left Behind  Free & Reduced Lunches  Source:

11  “10% of young people 16-24 drop out of high school”  Become involved in criminal activity  Source:  Less likely to attend college  Incarceration

12  High levels of unplanned pregnancy  End up back in the cycle of poverty  Source:

13  Listen to your students  Try and boost the self-esteem of students from low income families  Source: “What Can You Do for Children In Poverty,”  Photo Source:

14  Maintain the same high expectations for all students  Be careful not to make statements that may embarrass a student about their financial situation  Involve the parents, keep them updated and in the loop on their child  Source for Point One and Two: “How You Can Help Children in Poverty,”  Source for Point Three: “Helping the Poor in Education: The Power of a Nudge,”

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