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Presentation on theme: "NUCLEAR, SOLAR,WIND TURBINES, Gaurav,Muktha,Amina,Alex,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NUCLEAR, SOLAR,WIND TURBINES, Gaurav,Muktha,Amina,Alex,

2 Contents What is solar power ? What type of nuclear disasters happend ? What is nuclear power ? What are wind turbines ? Who discovered solar power ? Who invented wind turbines ?

3 What is solar power ? Solar power comes from the sun. The solar panle’s collect the Sun’s energy you can get electricity from that.

4 What nuclear disasters happened ? The power plant had exploded in Ukraine and it is called Chernobyl 31 people died instantly and to rebuild the city it took 18 billion rubles The explotion accured in 1986 April 26.

5 What is nuclear power Nuclear power genarates electricity and heat Naval nuclear fission reactar 5.7% world energy.

6 Wind turbines Charles F Brush constructed the first ever wind turbine in Ohio it was 56 feet high build in 1887 to 1888. Wind turbines create electricity.

7 Who discovered solar power ? 1.Alexandre Edmond 2.In the 1800’s

8 Resouces Wikipedia Books, Nuclear pg. 12/13.

9 The End

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