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CHAKRAS. 1. MOOLADHARA: Associated with basic instincts of survival.. 2. SVADHISHTHANA: Concerned with reproduction.. 3. MANIPURA: The seat of ego, power.

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2 1. MOOLADHARA: Associated with basic instincts of survival.. 2. SVADHISHTHANA: Concerned with reproduction.. 3. MANIPURA: The seat of ego, power and personal identity. 4. ANAHATA: Heart chakra. Here lies the seat of love, compassion and generosity. 5. VISHUDDHA: Controls emotions and promotes creativity. 6. ADNYA: It is the seat of intelligence and individual consciousness. 7. SAHASRARA: Here the individual consciousness merges with the cosmic intelligence. CHAKRAS are areas along the spine, that don't necessarily have any physiological correlates, but are centers of psychic and intuitive energy. THE VEDAS HAVE DESCRIBED SEVEN CHAKRAS. Kundalini When the "kundalini" energy rises all the chakras are in perfect balance, and the individual reaches a state of "Samadhi".

3 MOOLADHARA Chakra 1: Power of the Material World. The first chakra is the foundation of emotional and mental health. Your connection to traditional beliefs formation of identity and a sense of belonging to a group.

4 Chakra 2: Power of Relationships. The second chakra is your center of personal power, creativity, sexuality, and finances. Issues of physical survival and control are at the core of this energy center. core of this energy center. SVADHISHTHANA

5 MANIPURA Chakra 3: Personal Power The third chakra develops self-esteem and personality. This is where you learn to maintain strong boundaries and a personal code of honor.

6 ANAHATA Chakra 4: Emotional Power, Love, Forgiveness and Compassion. Here lies the powerhouse of the Human energy system. From its middle position, this chakra mediates between the body and spirit, and determines their health, strength, and balance. Here lies the powerhouse of the Human energy system. From its middle position, this chakra mediates between the body and spirit, and determines their health, strength, and balance.

7 VISHUDDHA Chakra 5: Will Power and Creativity The fifth chakra is the center of your struggle to seek Divine guidance. Its essence is faith and love.

8 Chakra 6: Mental Power and Seat of Wisdom. The sixth chakra is the center of intuition, intellect and reasoning. Known as the “third eye” it involves our mental abilities, and psychological skills at evaluating our beliefs and attitudes. evaluating our beliefs and attitudes. ADNYA

9 SAHASRARA Chakra 7: Spiritual Power. The seventh chakra is our connection to our spiritual nature and our capacity to allow spirituality to become an integral part of our physical lives. The seventh chakra is our connection to our spiritual nature and our capacity to allow spirituality to become an integral part of our physical lives.

10 Chakras are your connection to the Universe

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