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What color is your personality?

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Presentation on theme: "What color is your personality?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What color is your personality?

2 Colors Personality Today we are going to complete a personality inventory that identifies each of us by one of the following colors: Red Green Yellow Blue

3 True Colors Word Sort Directions
In the boxes on your worksheet are groups of words printed horizontally in rows. For each row decide which of the groups of words is most like you. Next to the letter at the bottom of the groups of words rank order the groups in that row from 4 to 1. Score each group of words giving yourself 4 for the groups of words Most like you and 3-next most like you, 2- for the next and 1 for the group least Like you. Use the same process for each row. B_______ C__________ D__________ A___________ Active Parental Authentic Versatile Opportunistic Traditional Harmonious Inventive Spontaneous Responsible Compassionate Competent Please complete the Word Sort now.

4 Scoring To score the worksheet, write the number that corresponds to each letter in the blank, total up each row of letters to determine your score for that color group. Your color schema is your four colors listed from highest total score to lowest. The highest scoring color is the one most like you. If you had a tie, listen closely to the descriptions on the next slides to determine which one most likely describes you.

5 Reds Things that frustrate reds.. rules and laws same routine deadlines paperwork lack of adventure too much structure Things reds do to frustrate others Ignoring rules Being undisciplined Lack of planning Being quick tempered Thinking out loud Impulse buying Raise your hand if your highest color was red…

6 Reds Value Fun, freedom, spontaneity, leadership, adventure, excitement, risk-taking, flexibility, resourcefulness, independence, play, variety, humor, skillfulness, creativity. Famous REDS: John F. Kennedy, Ernest Hemmingway, Winston Churchill, Amelia Earhart, Teddy Roosevelt, & Lucille Ball. “Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb. That’s where the fruit is” --Anonymous

7 Blues Things that frustrate blues.. lying violence personal rejection lack of communication lack of close friends sarcasm Things blues do to frustrate others Lack of planning Being passive Avoiding conflict Suppressing problems Being too generous Being overly sentimental Raise your hand if your highest color was blue…

8 Blues Value Sensitivity, sharing, spirituality, compassion, nurturing, harmony, honesty, devotion, intuition, friendship, inspiration, warmth, caring, imagination, romance, authenticity. Famous BLUES: Mozart, Ghandi, Emily Dickenson, Bill Clinton, Mohammad Ali, Martin Luther King, Jr.

9 Greens Things that frustrate greens.. Routine small-talk plagiarism illogical arguments social functions incompetence Things greens do to frustrate others Not being sociable Living in the future Being wordy Blowing up when criticized Not going with the flow Being too independent Raise your hand if your highest color was green…

10 Greens Value Logic, independent thinking, facts, time alone, intellectual achievement, strategy, competency, analytical ability, integrity, personal space, invention, emotional stability, respect for self and others, justice, knowledge, ingenuity. Famous Greens: Abe Lincoln, Madame Curie, Dwight Eisenhower, Eleanor Roosevelt, Socrates, Frank Lloyd Wright, Thomas Edison “ Live to learn and you will learn to live” ---Portuguese proverb

11 Yellow Things that frustrate yellows.. irresponsibility lack of planning lack of discipline laziness high risk taking illegal behavior Things yellows do to frustrate others Being bossy and controlling Working long hours Being obsessive Being judgemental Planning for everything. Raise your hand if your highest color was yellow…

12 Yellows value Rules, responsibility, stability, civic duty, fairness, punctuality, caring, hard work, reliability, social status, order, consistency, practicality, clear goals, dependability, honesty. Famous Yellows: Harry Truman, Joan Rivers, George Washington, Nancy Reagan, Gerald Ford, Mr. Rogers. “The Time is always right to do what is right” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

13 Personality and Learning Styles

14 Personality and Learning Styles
Research in education has shown that if you present information in a manner that matches an individual’s learning style people will absorb the information more quickly and have an easier time transferring it into long-term memory.

15 Personality and Learning Styles
Unfortunately (or fortunately) your teachers must teach to all four personality types at the same time. There are strategies that you can employ however in order to take charge of your learning. In the next slides we’ll explore the learning styles of each color pathway and strategies that can help you achieve.

16 Red Characteristics Hunger for fun and action Needs freedom to learn
Is resourceful and free spirited Likes spontaneity to entertain classmates Has a short attention span Needs physical involvement and activity Thrives on verbal and visual information Likes competition

17 Blue Characteristics Hunger for ever-increasing sense of self
Needs acceptance, caring, and support Thrives on recognition Talented communicator Enjoys group interactions Prefers cooperative learning Needs personal feedback, encouragement, and attention from teachers Learns best in face to face dialogue

18 Green Characteristics
Hunger for competency Sits in judgment when viewing progress Interested in principles and logic, good at inventing, building, and architecture Enjoys developing own ideas Is filled with intellectual curiosity Needs constant success experiences Loves to give structure to the world Exerts escalating standards on self and others

19 Yellow Characteristics
Hunger for order Wants to please teachers Values responsibility and dependability Displays good study habits Likes and needs organization and scheduling Responds to negative criticism Expects for rules to be set and students to follow them. Learns from traditional instruction

20 How Reds can Enhance their learning…
Reds learn by doing and are movement oriented, therefore to increase your learning create study tools that you can move around with your hands These may include flash cards or charts that can be cut apart and reassembled in the correct order Type or use a word processor. Using a keyborard involves fine motor skills and muscle memory; it may be easier to remember information that you typed or entered into a computer. Talk and walk as you recite or practice information. Pacing or walking with study materials in hand helps some people process information more naturally Work at a chalkboard, with a flip chart, or on a large poster paper to create study tools. List, draw, practice, or write information while you stand up and work on a larger surface.

21 How Blues can Enhance their learning…
Create “movies in your mind” of information that you read; use your visual memory as a television screen with the information moving across the screen. Create rhymes, jingles, or songs to help you remember specific facts. Talk and read out loud to expain new information, express your ideas, practice information you are studying, or paraphrase another speaker. Blues work well with others and may preferstudying in groups and crave the opportunity to interact and teach/learn from others.

22 How Greens can Enhance their learning…
Greens study best by themselves and may prefer independent projects instead of group activities. Create study tools such as maps or graphic organizers, comparison charts, timelines, or hierarchies. For lectures, take your own notes, but back your notes up with a tape recorded version of the lecture. Review only the parts of the lecture that are unclear or confusing. Handle objects, tools, or machinery that you are trying to learn.

23 How Yellows can Enhance their learning…
Create stronger visual memories of printed materials by highlighting important ideas with different colors. Take time to visualize pictures, charts, graphs, or printed information and take time to practice recalling visual memories when you study. Monitor, schedule and evaluate progress (practice tests0 Color-code study tools (different colors imprint into memory more easily for some students). Colors can be used to accentuate specific parts of textbooks, notes, or any written materials you work with or you have created.

24 Working with Reds Offer incentive and rewards
Set ground rules and clearly state consequences Avoid anger, reprimand privately Allow reds to work for short periods of time If possible assign Reds movement or building tasks.

25 Working with Blues Clearly outline your expectations in a friendly and respectful manner. Attend to positive rather than negative behaviors. Avoid public humiliations and reprimands Show affection and/or approval Praise accomplishments

26 Working with Greens Provide logic behind the rules
Allow them to formulate their own rules or contribute to this process Keep cool and avoid getting emotional Avoid sarcasm, labels, and ridicule Maintain personal space Stay on task, with scheduled breaks

27 Working with Yellows Praise them for good work Create an agenda
Criticize them fairly without diminishing their feelings of self worth Give them tasks in which they can organize and plan Maintain a neat and orderly work space.

28 Knowing what you know…. Which color would likely work best with Reds? Blues? Greens? Yellows? Which color(s) waits until the last minute to do an assignment? Which colors(s) go above and beyond expectations? What color types do you think your friends are or your teachers are?

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