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POLITICS IN WESTERN EUROPE. SIMILARITIES BETWEEN STATES General sense of disunity Overwhelming power of the noble class Economic devastation.

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2 SIMILARITIES BETWEEN STATES General sense of disunity Overwhelming power of the noble class Economic devastation

3 CHANGE IN POLITICAL THOUGHT Machiavelli’s The Prince (1513) Modern guide to politics; based on experiences with Cesare Borgia Characteristics of a ruler Cunning, manipulative, opportunistic Thomas More’s Utopia (1516) Ideal society and civilization Religious tolerance and beneficent government Desiderius Erasmus Key to reform is through the Bible Emphasis on inner spirituality instead of piety Foundation of the Protestant Reformation

4 FRANCE France in economic and political ruin Depopulation Hundred Years War left it financially weak and drained of resources Feudal nobility made centralization difficult All changed with the crowning of Charles VII

5 CHARLES VII (1422-1461) Not really the ideal ruler Weak and indecisive Questionable parentage Successful in ending a civil war First era of peace in 30 years

6 CHANGES MADE BY CHARLES VII Reorganized royal council Used taxes on land products to recover economically Main source of income Established the first standing army in Europe

7 STRENGTHENING THE MONARCHY Louis XI (Spider King) used royal army to control noble militias Curbed independence Conquered territory in Burgundy and numerous French provinces Marriage between Louis XII and Anne of Brittany added more land Concordat of Bologna (1516) France now controlled policies of the church

8 ENGLAND English monarchy decimated by aristocracy Little more than thugs and bandits War of the Roses (1455-1471) Civil war between Lancaster and York Disrupted trade and industry Under Henry VI, the monarchy was at its weakest

9 DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY Edward IV (1461-1483); Yorkist Defeated the Lancasters Succeeded by Richard III for two years, Overthrown by Henry Tudor Became Henry VII All three rulers supremely Machiavellian: ruthless, cunning, and efficient

10 HENRY VII Probably one of its best rulers No more expensive wars Diplomatic foreign affairs Parliament lost its influence

11 HENRY VII CON’T Royal council now center of authority Council consisted of urbaners trained in law (example of meritocracy) Solidified his rule with marriage of son Arthur to Catherine of Aragon Nobility not so lucky Court of Star Chamber dealt with threats to the crown No juries, couldn’t see evidence, and applied torture Ultimately, there was no threat to his rule


13 STATE OF THE NATION Remained independent kingdoms till 1700 Castile and Aragon most powerful Christianity dominant religion (except for Granada)


15 ISABELLA AND FERDINAND Rulers of two separate dynasties (Castile and Aragon) Marriage did nothing to unify the nation Treatment of Nobility Similar to England and France Royal council was legislature, executive, and judiciary Also employed men of law Able to establish a national church Eventually conquered all of the Iberian Peninsula

16 JEWISH EXPULSION Many sought refuge in Spain after expulsion from England and France Resentment of Jewish wealth and influence…even though it was their fault General anti-Semitism By 1492, nearly 75% had been expelled Some converted; known as New Christians Even new converts were targets of suspicion

17 INQUISITION (1478) Permission given by Pope Sixtus IV to punish New Christians who fell back into Judaism Subject to brutal torture No win situation Sincere converts claimed to have “Jewish blood” Eventually expanded into idea of “Jewish Race

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