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Ocean Habitats.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Habitats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Habitats

2 Ocean Zones Intertidal Zone Neritic Zone Open-Ocean Zone


4 Intertidal Zone Begins at the highest high- tide line on land
Ends at the point of lowest low-tide on the continental shelf “Photic” Zone

5 Marine Life: Intertidal Zone
Sea Anemone Horseshoe Crab Hermit Crab Clam Sea Star Shrimp Snail

6 Neritic Zone Begins from the low-tide line of the continental shelf
Ends at the edge of the continental shelf Coral Reefs “Photic Zone”

7 Marine Life: Neritic Zone
Photosynthetic Bacteria and Algae Coral Tuna Fish Butterfly Fish Angel Fish

8 Open-Ocean Zone Lays beyond the continental shelf
Only a small part receives sunlight Deepest, darkest part of the ocean

9 Zones in the Open-Ocean
Surface Zone Receives Sunlight Mild Temperature Transition Zone Change in Temperature Deep Zone No Light Cold Temperature Extreme Water Pressure

10 Marine Life: Open-Ocean Zone
Surface Zone: Zooplankton, Krill Transition Zone: Squid, Shrimp, Prawn Deep Zone: Anglerfish, Viperfish, Vampire Squid, Black Dragonfish

11 Life in the Ocean Plankton Nekton Benthos

12 Plankton Tiny algae and animals Float Carried by waves and currents
Ex. Diatoms, Tiny Young Fish, Microscopic Crustaceans (Copepods)

13 Nekton Free-swimming animals Move throughout water column
Ex. Squid, Most Fish, Whales, Seals, Other Marine Mammals

14 Benthos Ocean Floor Some Move From Place to Place:
Ex. Crabs, Sea Stars, Octopus, Lobsters Some Stay in One Location Ex. Sponges, Sea Anemones

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