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Welcome to Human Services Delivery. I know that many of you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, etc. right now and probably have a lot of questions and.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Human Services Delivery. I know that many of you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, etc. right now and probably have a lot of questions and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Human Services Delivery

2 I know that many of you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, etc. right now and probably have a lot of questions and a lot to do. I have quite a bit of material to go over. My suggestion is that we get through it and then if you have any questions you can ask them. My goal for our seminars is to stick to the one hour as we are all busy and if we are not then it is always good to take a little time for ourselves.

3 Did you read the syllabus and announcements? Have you reviewed the projects (Unit 4, Unit 7, and Final Project)? If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. The material that we will be discussing in our seminars will be very beneficial to you in regards to putting your projects together. Understanding what is expected in the projects will also help you connect everything together in this course. These projects are worth a lot of points and can make or break your grade.

4 Have you reviewed the grading rubrics? There is a grading rubric for each of the projects. In addition, read the expectations for discussions and be sure to note things like total replies to your peers and even the little things like total word count. Have you checked out the writing center? If not, please be sure to do so. This is a very valuable resource!! Please keep in mind that I understand it takes a while to master APA formatting, however I expect that in ALL of your work I see the basics of APA formatting and in-text citations. Unless it is 100% your idea, thought and/or criticism then don’t forget to cite and reference your work!

5 Kaplan’s week begins on Wednesday and ends Tuesday at midnight. ALL assignments must be turned in by Tuesday at midnight. I completely understand that “life” happens so if an emergency comes up and you need more time to finish an assignment or can’t attend seminar, please let me know as soon as possible (via email or AIM) and we will work it out. You will see that I am very flexible and I have no problem working with students as long as you are doing your part.

6 Kaplan does a GREAT job of clearly spelling out for you what you need to do in each unit. If you read ALL of the material in each unit and follow the instructions you should do just fine in this class. I have also posted Work Due Checklist in the Doc Sharing area of the course that I created fore this course. It is very handy and will help you keep track of everything.

7 Flex Seminars The seminars for this class will be taught using the “Flex Seminar” tool. This means you can attend either of two seminars – whichever fits your schedule best:  Tuesdays, 7 PM EST (Yvonne Bustamante, that’s me )  Wednesdays, 12 PM EST (Katrena Taylor) You will be invited to both – but you only need to attend one.

8 We have a lot of material to cover in each seminar and a short amount of time to do it. Please save personal questions (make up work, grades, etc.) for email or AIM. If you come to seminar late, please just log in and follow along with us. You will need to go back later and review what you missed in the seminar transcripts. Seminar transcripts are usually available about 24 hours after the actual seminar.

9 THE DISCUSSION QUESTION POSTS ARE DUE BY TUESDAY AT MIDNIGHT. ( If you have an emergency and do not think you’ll be able to post, please contact me ASAP. However, please note you have a FULL week to complete the DQ. You can post as early as Wednesday when the new unit begins.) The point of the these activities are to foster discussion about the material we are covering in the current unit. There are 2 questions in all units except 1,4,7, & 9. Please make sure you look under the Topics heading to make sure you answer all of the questions. Please always keep in mind that these are graded. Be sure to answer the questions completely and be sure to use spelling and grammar check.

10 Discussion questions continued… Please make sure you “check in” to the discussion board throughout the week. It is important not to wait until the last minute to post. If everyone does this there will be nothing to discuss! Also, as I said earlier, life happens. Something may come up that keeps you from posting before the deadline. Late Discussion Board responses will be penalized a deduction of 1 letter grade per unit with a maximum allowance of 3 units. After the end of the third unit past the original due date, late discussion posts will not be accepted.

11 Grades: Typically, I am able to grade assignments within a few days of when they are submitted. However, it may take up to 5 days so please be patient. If after 5 days from the day you submitted the assignment you still don’t have a grade please feel free to email me to remind me.

12 Grade comments: Before you email me to ask why you earned a certain grade please make sure you read the comments section of the grade book as I will post an explanation there. If after reading my explanation you still have questions, please feel free to email or AIM me.

13 If you have ANY technical issues, before you do this PLEASE contact tech support and make sure you get a ticket number. 866.348.1196 (Toll Free) They are extremely efficient and helpful.


15 Scientific Method 1. The scientific method:  a. Assumes that humans are not likely to err in observation.  b. Attempts to control for human error in observation as much as possible.  c. Assumes that humans are likely to err in observation but simply accepts this as a limitation of the scientific method and not something to do anything about, because it is impossible to control for all possible sources of error.  d. Attempts to insert human error into observation in order to create a realistic situation.

16 What comes first? 2. Suppose you have decided to conduct a client satisfaction survey. Which of the following would logically come first in the research process?  a. Selecting the questions to put on the questionnaire  b. Selecting the sample of persons to receive the questionnaire  c. Determining the purpose of the study and the research questions to be answered  d. Selecting the statistical measures to employ in the analysis of the data

17 The purpose of research studies? 3. Which of the following statements of the purpose of a research study is consistent with the spirit of scientific inquiry?  a. To demonstrate that dialectical behavioral therapy is effective in the treatment of persons with borderline personality disorder  b. To challenge the criticism that human services are not worth the cost  c. Both of the above  d. None of the above

18 Never assume! 4. Suppose that you were given an instrument (questionnaire) that was designed to measure the extent to which you had a tendency to be emotionally supportive of others. Suppose further that you gave this instrument to another person who knew you very well and you asked this person to answer these questions as he/she thought you should have answered them about yourself, and you found that your answers about yourself were substantially different from the answers that the other person gave about you. Which of the following is not a plausible explanation of this result?  a. You know yourself well, but this other person does not.  b. The other person knows you well, but you do not.  c. Both you and the other person are incorrect in their perceptions of you.  d. Both you and the other person are correct in their perceptions of you.  e. None of the above—i.e., all are plausible explanations for this result.

19 Analysis of Information 5. Suppose you had decided to conduct a study of whether the full moon makes people act strange. Many people have asserted that the full moon makes people “crazy” or “strange” or “weird” and so forth because they have witnessed such behavior during the full moon. Is this information sufficient to draw a conclusion about the effect of the full moon? a. Yes, because the perceptions of people of the behavior of others should be considered trustworthy; otherwise, there would be no way to do scientific studies of social behavior. b. Yes, because this information provides a clear connection between this kind of behavior and the presence of the full moon. If people act this way during the full moon, it is logical to assert that the full moon has an effect. c. No, because you would need to employ only instruments published in books to measure your variables. d. No, because you need also to analyze information about the presence of this behavior when the moon is full and when it is not full as well as the absence of this behavior when the moon is full and when it is not full.

20 Ethical Guidelines for Human subjects 6. Which one of the following are not among the ethical guidelines for the use of human subjects in research?  a. Information collected from human subjects for research must always be collected in a way that allows the subject to remain completely anonymous.  b. Research studies must respect the study subject’s right to privacy.  c. Research studies should protect the study subject from undue harm, and notify the subject of any possible risks to harm that could be present.  d. None of the above. In other words, all of the above are clearly included in the ethical guidelines for the use of human subjects in research.

21 Deductive/Inductive Inquiries 7. Which of the following statements is/are true?  a. A deductive process of inquiry, where the researcher starts with general ideas that are tested through observation, has a more natural fit with quantitative means of measurement than quantitative means.  b. When you have completed the qualitative means of observation, you typically have placed study subjects into categories or given them a number that represents their value on the variable being measured.  c. Both of the above.  d. None of the above.

22 8. Under which of the following conditions would you normally be better advised to employ a quantitative means of observation rather than a qualitative means?  a. When you are testing an existing theory rather than developing a new one.  b. When you are seeking an understanding of the subjective meaning of behaviors or social processes rather than the precise description of social phenomena.  c. Both of the above  d. None of the above

23 Deductive/Inductive Quantitative/Qualitative QualitativeDescriptive (words) Inductive (deriving hypothesis/ theory) Process Evaluation QuantitativeCategories (numbers) Deductive (testing hypothesis/theory) Outcome Evaluation

24 How To Contact Me! Email: Aim: ytbustamante Phone: (607) 769-1742 “Sit down before fact as a little child, be prepared to give up every conceived notion, follow humbly wherever and whatever abysses nature leads, or you will learn nothing.” ~Thomas Huxley

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