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Website Help For Counselors. Signing in to the College Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Website Help For Counselors. Signing in to the College Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Website Help For Counselors


3 Signing in to the College Board

4 SAT Registration Report


6 AP Potential

7 AP Roster Report


9 K12 Assessment Reporting: Reports Center

10 Educator Reports – Roster Level Data + View data on all of your students + View additional information on each student test taker -Grade -Access Code -Benchmark -AP Potential

11 Educator Reports – Score Rosters View score rosters for: + Each assessment administered for a given academic year + Roster summaries for a District or School + Roster details for a School 11

12 Educator Reports – Score Rosters Easily create print-ready files for selected students: -Formatted score labels -Copy of student paper score reports -Access code 12

13 Printing Student Reports and Labels Batch Printing Reports and Labels Run a detailed roster report for a school. Check the box next to the name of each student you want to include. Click Create PDF from Selected. Click Score Reports to print student reports or Student Score Labels to print labels. Use Avery 5163/5963 labels or their equivalent (10 labels per page, 2" x 4"). Student Name

14 © 2015 The College Board. Student Report (Paper/PDF Version) 14

15 © 2015 The College Board. Student Score Report (Educator Version) ► Reports individual student scores ► Lists student performance on all assessments taken over time ► Shows projection of next year’s scores ► Identifies whether the student is likely to succeed in AP ® and links to the AP Potential TM tool ► Links to detailed score reporting, including test, cross-test, and subscores NOTE: All reports are subject to change and should not be considered final.

16 © 2015 The College Board. Use projection information in the report to categorize students based on the likelihood of meeting the benchmark. ► For those who need to strengthen skills to meet college and career benchmarks, develop an acceleration plan. ► For students who are close to meeting the benchmark, click through to the PDF version of the Student Report to identify particular areas to practice. ► For students who have met or exceeded the benchmark, ensure students are taking challenging courses, including Advanced Placement ®, and provide challenging assignments to expand on their knowledge and skills. Using the Student Score Report 16

17 © 2015 The College Board. K12 Assessment Reporting: Download Center

18 18

19 Score Reporting on the SAT Suite of Assessments + This same concept will hold true for the Test and Cross- Test Scores as well as Total Score. + Section Scores will be placed on a vertical scale. 19

20 © 2015 The College Board. Score Reporting on the SAT ® Suite of Assessments The graphic shows score ranges for SAT. PSAT-related assessments have slightly different score ranges.

21 © 2015 The College Board. ► Benchmarks indicating college and career readiness are determined using SAT Suite data and first-year college performance data. ► The benchmark indicates that students who earn that score or higher have a 75% likelihood of earning a C or better in a first-year, credit-bearing course in the same subject area. ► The PSAT TM 8/9 will provide benchmarks and norms for both 8th and 9th grades. ► PSAT TM 10 will provide benchmarks and norms for 10th grade. ► The PSAT/NMSQT ® will provide benchmarks and norms for 10th- and 11th-graders. Working together, the tests in the SAT ® Suite of Assessments provide college and career readiness benchmarks and consistent feedback for measuring student progress. College and Career Readiness Benchmarks 21

22 College Board Benchmarks PSAT 8/9 (8 th ) PSAT 8/9 (9 th ) PN (10 th )PN (11 th )SAT EBRW390410430460480 Math430450480510530 College and Career Readiness Benchmarks

23 New Developments in College Board - SAT Concordance Tables Released-


25 College Board student website


27 Understanding the SAT score Report

28 New Developments in College Board College Board & Khan Accounts can now be linked! Have your students created & linked their accounts?







35 New Developments in College Board College Board & Khan Accounts can now be linked!

36 BIG Future!

37 Professional Development

38 Counseling tools

39 Apply to 4 or More™

40 More Resources!


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