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Where We Were to Where We Are: The History of Astronomy May 19 th 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Where We Were to Where We Are: The History of Astronomy May 19 th 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where We Were to Where We Are: The History of Astronomy May 19 th 2015

2 Announcements Your post-test will be Thursday May 19 th Today is your last day to present your 2 nd brief

3 Early Astronomy Questions People did not have youtube, I-Pads, phones, etc. To entertain themselves they looked at the stars

4 Constellations

5 The Zodiac Constellations

6 What They Thought… Geocentric Model

7 Why don’t we see the same constellations all year long? Clue #1 That we are not at the center of the universe

8 Galileo If we are at the center of the universe, how can Jupiter have moons? This was really controversial! Clue # 2 that we are not at the center of the universe

9 Foucault’s Pendulum Clue #3 that the Earth is not at the center of the Universe

10 Heliocentric Model This model put the Sun in the center of the solar system The earth rotates around its axis and revolves around the sun

11 Astronomy Today Today’s telescopes are much bigger, more powerful and can see in many wavelengths

12 This is How We Know What We Know

13 Fusion in Super Giants

14 Gravitational Collapse of a Star due to extreme pressure on the core. This stellar explosion sends shockwaves into space (gamma rays, x- rays) Supernova

15 Supernovas can become Black Holes or Neutron Stars Black holes – Gravity has collapsed so much that nothing can escape it’s pull, not even light Neutron Stars - Remaining core after a supernova - They are the densest and smallest stars

16 Questions?


18 Responsibility Team Section 2 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 5Team 6 AnamMikaulyChrisDajanaJenniferDaze JuniorRamziSarmadKenyYanvierMosammat VictoriaAbdullah Z.BesareHumayera A.MaridaniaPerla JubayerGeovaniAbdullah N.KaylinSmarlynSeme KagbeLauraBlendiJokelyHimyard

19 Earth Solar System Milky Way GalaxyObservable Universe

20 Astronomers Noticed a Doppler Effect

21 Spectroscope An instrument used to see which wavelengths of light are absorbed by specific elements known to be in space

22 Every Element is Different Elements absorb light at specific wavelengths of light…it is like a Fingerprint

23 Redshift

24 Cosmic Background Radiation

25 If Everything is Moving Away… There must have been a beginning

26 The Big Bang

27 Where We Are Most of what we know about Astronomy and Space we learned in the last 20 years In your lifetimes there will be much, much more that we understand and learn Never stop asking questions and wondering why? And how? This is how we got to where we are today

28 2027?

29 Responsibility Teams Section 1 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 5 Antoneta MeganyAlimatou Thanya Robert Zoha ObnielMaisha Sharna Daiana MishaGabrielaKhadySadiaHenood KeyzieCarolinaHaroldKimberlyReyson SandeilisMarbelinScarlettNathi

30 Responsibility Team Section 2 Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 5Team 6 AnamMikaulyChrisDajanaJenniferDaze JuniorRamziSarmadKenyYanvierMosammat VictoriaAbdullah Z.BesareHumayera A.MaridaniaPerla JubayerGeovaniAbdullah N.KaylinSmarlynSeme KagbeLauraBlendiJokelyHimyard

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