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II Exodus 14: 3, 4. Red Sea Rule #2: Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief.

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Presentation on theme: "II Exodus 14: 3, 4. Red Sea Rule #2: Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief."— Presentation transcript:

1 II Exodus 14: 3, 4

2 Red Sea Rule #2: Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief.

3 C. H. Mackintosh: “If we could only look upon a difficult crisis as an occasion bringing out, the sufficiency of divine grace, it would enable us to preserve the balance of our souls and to glorify God, even in the deepest waters.”

4 “How did I get into this mess, and how can I get out?” “How quickly can I solve this problem?” “Why did this have to happen to me?”

5 The next time you are overwhelmed, instead of asking, “How can I get out of this mess?” try asking, “How can God be glorified in this situation?”

6 Hudson Taylor: “I know He tries me only to increase my faith, and that is all in love. Well, if He is glorified, I am content!

7 God doesn’t waste suffering. If He leads us into an impossible situation, He will deliver us in His own time, in His own way, and for His own glory. How then, did God take an impossible situation, flip it around, and use it for His honor? The story of parted waters shows us that God gains glory: – When His enemies are defeated. – When His children are delivered. – When His name is exalted. – When His exploits are remembered. – When His praises are sounded.

8 “ In some way or other the Lord will provide; It might not be my way. It might be His way. And yet in His own way, the Lord will provide.”

9 Now God doesn’t always deliver us from our problems in the way we want Him to; He does it His Way, but in the long run His way is always best, and it always leads to worship. Psalm 50:15- “And call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify Me.” Psalm 34: 19- “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.”

10 Red Sea Rule #2- Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief.

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