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Lecture # 33. Higgins 08 S model adapted from Waterman – Seven S model 1.Strategy – strategic intent – corporate, business, functional strategies after.

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1 Lecture # 33

2 Higgins 08 S model adapted from Waterman – Seven S model 1.Strategy – strategic intent – corporate, business, functional strategies after evaluating scenario thru SWOT analyses -These strategies should be aligned – to have success (often alignment is overlooked)

3 2. Structure – job, grouping of jobs, authority and its delegation units & Head office, departmentation, operating procedures, control etc 3. Systems and Processes - to get things done from day to day (for e.g. strategic planning systems, information systems, capital budgeting systems, manufacturing processes, reward systems and processes, quality-control systems and processes, performance measurement systems). Structural harmony can be created through promoting policies of internal customer and cross-functionalism 4. Style (leadership/management style)-The consistent pattern of behavior exhibited by leaders/managers when relating to subordinates and other employees. 5. Staff-The number and types of employees with what types of individual and group competencies the firm needs to meet its strategic purposes.

4 6. Resources -The extent to which the organization has adequate resources to achieve its strategy—people (staff), technology and money are the three most critical. Resources may include funding for divisions such as R & D, or technology such as software, or systems such as those for knowledge management and organizational learning. The other major concern is the extent to which the organization leverages its resources. 7. Shared Values (organizational culture) -The values shared by members of the organization that make it different from other organizations. Managing values and cultural artifacts are critical to successfully leading organizational change. 8. Strategic Performance Strategic performance is a derivative of the other seven ‘S’s. Strategic performance is possessed by an organization as a whole, or for profit-based parts of the whole. Performance can be measured at any level. Financial performance measurements are critical barometers of strategic performance, but an expanded balanced scorecard approach is best.

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