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Community: A Common Thread Hank Childers March 29, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Community: A Common Thread Hank Childers March 29, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community: A Common Thread Hank Childers March 29, 2016

2 Community – What is it?

3 Check the Latin!  Communitatus  ‘com’ – prefix: with or together  ‘munis’ – changes or exchanges that link  ‘tatus’ – suffix: diminutive, small, intimate, local  Community = Local exchanges that link us together 3 A COMMON THREAD

4 What’s the common thread?  We are all in this together! 4

5 What ‘community’ might be??  Top-Down? 5

6 What ‘community’ might be??  Top-Down  Center-Out? 6

7 What ‘community’ might be??  Top-Down  Center-Out  Shared Governance? 7

8 What ‘community’ might be??  Top-Down  Center-Out  Shared Governance  Democracy? 8

9 What ‘community’ might be??  Top-Down  Center-Out  Shared Governance  Democracy  Meritocracy? 9

10 What ‘community’ might be??  Top-Down  Center-Out  Shared Governance  Democracy  Meritocracy  Controlled? 10

11 What ‘community’ might be??  Top-Down  Center-Out  Shared Governance  Democracy  Meritocracy  Controlled 11

12 It’s really about… 12


14 14 TRUST

15 How Mosaic worked to enable community

16 Organizational change management  Mosaic initial formula was:  Project Work + Communication + Training/Support  Communication  Hired a professional communications person  Training  Assembled a good-sized team  Employed professional trainers  Connected Training to Communications  Connected both to Project Teams 16


18 Org. change management evolved Project Work + Communication + Training/Support + Empathy 18

19 What Mosaic did  Mosaic website  Transparent project  Willing to meet with anyone or any group, any time & place  Newsletters, status reports, table-toppers, emails, forums, posters, etc.  In-person & online courses  Quick videos  Mosaic community (now UAccess Community) 19

20 How it looks today

21 UAccess Community stat’s (Feb ’16) 21

22 UAccess Symposium  Year 1: 6 presentations, 2 rooms, 100 attendees  Years 2 & 3: 12 presentations, 3 rooms, 400 attendees  Years 3 & 4: added poster presentations and a few vendors along with the sponsors  All of this powered by the UAccess Community 22

23 UAccess Analytics Metadata Wiki  Needed a data dictionary since UAccess Analytics went live  Struggled to envision a workable solution  Turned to the community concept  Over 40,000 data columns entered into the Wiki, with most of them awaiting improved definitions  Soon to be opened for editing by central office experts  Expect wider community in the future  23

24 Campaign for Common Sense  Allison Vaillancourt’s vision of using crowd- sourcing to achieve Institutional Effectiveness  Facilitate collaboration  Encourage innovation  Reduce frustration  Save money & time  Inspired by Mosaic/UAccess Community experience  24

25 CFCS by the numbers (Mar ’16)  # of suggestions? 1166  # of people who have submitted? 215  # of submitters and commenters? 1455  # of suggestions leading to change? 117 25

26 Some examples of CFCS changes  Paid parental leave  Significant improvements to DCC program  Policy portal  Research portal  Subsidized street car passes  Elimination of prohibition on 2 nd degrees  Wide range of Business Affairs changes 26

27 Final thought  We do our best when we remember that we are a community, with a great deal of shared interest, and the ability to make things better  Thank you!  Thank each other! 27

28 Questions? 28 ???

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