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2015. For every pound that is given in the basket, but not in an envelope, we wash 25p down the drain.

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Presentation on theme: "2015. For every pound that is given in the basket, but not in an envelope, we wash 25p down the drain."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015

2 For every pound that is given in the basket, but not in an envelope, we wash 25p down the drain

3 We collected £13,996 from offerings in the basket We can only claim up to £5,000 in Gift Aid from cash offerings Therefore we lost £2,249 in unclaimed Tax Which represents, for example, 4 months Gas Bills

4 Please!!!! Use the envelopes – whenever you can!!!!! Is there anyone here this evening who cannot see an envelope near their seat?


6 * Income £340,405 * Expenditure £362,004 This represents an excess of expenditure over income of £21,599

7 2015 2014 2013 2012 £254,450 £269,192 £269,599 £279,398 Over the last 4 years our Giving has reduced by Just under £25,000

8 Net Income Hall Hire £20,064 Little Fish £2,779 House Rent £10,360 Mast Rent £9,500

9 “Crofton Parish” Search for supplier e.g. Amazon or Tesco or Asda or Marks & Spencer The website then takes you to the supplier’s website. When you have finished shopping, Easyfundraising collect the donation. Register and select that you want to donate to:-

10 During 2015 the PCC approved the formation of an Investment Group to oversee the need for secure Investments in conjunction with the Diocese. As a result of this the PCC has invested £125,000 in the CCLA Investment Fund. This is the legacy from Annie Price specifically bequeathed for the upkeep of St Edmunds Church


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