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A clue to this month’s value…

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1 A clue to this month’s value…


3 October 2015 Learning, Growing and Succeeding Together

4 Welcome to our ‘Values’ assembly A value is a principle that guides our thinking and behaviour



7 Find someone who …….  I want you to make groups of 8  Your group must have at least:  2 different year groups  Children who have different physical characteristics…..such as different: hair colour eye colour, height  Some children who share similar likes and some who share dislikes: eg food music, hobbies  You will need to talk to do this but do this as quietly as you can

8 Circle of new friends  When you have found your group of 8 you have made a circle of new friends  Join hands and hold them up to signal you are ready  Remember our values as you do this  Look out for anyone who needs our help  When we are all ready find a space and sit down in a small circle, anywhere in the hall.

9 EQUALITY In OCTOBER we will be exploring the value of Making sure ALL people are treated fairly

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11 Making sure people have equal chances or opportunities regardless of…

12 Making sure people have equal chances or opportunities regardless of…




16 EQUALITY Treating others as you want to be treated

17 Equality gives us the right to act, speak, or think in our own way. It allows us to be individuals and to be who we want to be!

18 Diversity... When we have equality to live and be who we want to be, it results in an interesting mix of people. Diversity Diversity is a mix of things...

19 Diversity in the UK Down to our deepest historic roots, Britain has always been a diverse nation with people arriving here from all over the world!

20 A mix of food What is good about a society which celebrates diversity?

21 A mix of music and dance

22 Respecting difference RESPECT difference! With equality and diversity comes a need to RESPECT difference! Do you want to live in a world where we can be who we want to be, listen to the music we like, eat the foods we enjoy, dress how we like to dress etc? Then we must remember that the person next to us has the right to do the same. And they are likely to be different...

23 Be proud It is important to remember we are ALL different and it is our differences that make us unique and special, and that makes our country interesting. Be proud and confident in your differences! Respect and celebrate difference in others!

24 Remember... If we didn’t have freedom to be who we want to be and to be different, the world would be a boring place...

25 Celebrate difference This week observe differences and diversity in people around you. Different ways people dress, act, eat, think, speak etc. Then celebrate their differences and think about how it makes them unique and special and adds to our diverse and interesting culture!

26 This month is Black History Month… Rosa Parks stood up for EQUALITY!

27 A quiet moment of prayer or reflection... Let us reflect in our circle of friends

28 Here in our school Let us be peaceful at all times. Let our rooms be full of happiness and respect for each other. Let love be in our hearts With kindness and compassion for all. Let us remember In learning together, We grow together And succeed together. A prayer for all of us

29 As we reflect, think about how EQUALITY makes the world a better place to be.

30 What are the consequences of not treating people with equality?

31 Why do some people treat others unfairly?

32 A mix of sports

33 A mix of fashion

34 Without ethnic diversity, some England players wouldn’t live here!

35 Without equal rights, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the achievements of some amazing disabled people

36 Our world with diversity Our world without diversity Which type of world is more interesting?

37 A world with DIVERSITY is much more interesting... World with diversity

38 What is it called if you treat someone unfairly because of their gender or race or disability or age or religion?

39 Did you know that As part of our British values we have the Rule of Law This means we are accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law DISCRIMINATION is ILLEGAL in our country!

40 Which of the values we have explored so far could help us to think more about EQUALITY?

41 What can you do to help to make YOUR world a more fair place?

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