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2014/15 wind-up the junction april 12, 2015. season sponsors gold sponsors:silver sponsors:

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1 2014/15 wind-up the junction april 12, 2015

2 season sponsors gold sponsors:silver sponsors:

3 2014/15 in review League Play Full at 48 teams, 18 spares (236 total members) Pink Broom Full at 64 players on 8 teams Pac Rim Cup Full at 32 teams

4 of note… youth curling bursary novice boot camp $200 donation to the Prairie Lily Curling League Team Ordog wins 2015 Canadian Gay Curling Championship in Toronto

5 membership survey Over 100 people have provided feedback via the survey Thank you! You’re the best! Johnny’s been answering questions/comments at Answers on membership fees, game times, social events, and more!

6 draft financial statement Revenue:$71,232 Membership fees:$69,153 Sponsorship:$1,500 Expenses:$70,098 Ice fees:$44,664 VCC fees:$16,228 Wind-up event:$3,308 League prizes:$1,920 Est. surplus/deficit:$1,161 Legacy fund purchases:$686 Est. closing cash balance:$3,893 Breakdown per player on 4-person team

7 2014/15 board of directors Clayton Bergquist Bonspiel coordinator Jill Gardiner Communications Gerald Gunn Historian, CGCC coordinator Victor Kazakov Web Co-ordinator Heather Kisbee Community Liaison Kevin Mintenko Pride coordinator Wayne Pires Sponsorship coordinator Casey Smith Treasurer Glenn Smith Drawmaster Johnny LaRusic President

8 2015/16 board of directors open positions: president membership coordinator event coordinator for pac rim cup we also need volunteers! pride volunteers bonspiel volunteers new social events? email

9 we need everyone’s help want a more social league? volunteer to organize a social live “broomstacking” culture help us attract sponsors bonspiel ice fees are increasing like to maintain league fees we need thousands in sponsorship to keep our league/events affordable

10 2015 honour roll established in 2009 to honour key league builders for more information, visit 2014: Carolyn Tanner 2013: Randall Noble 2011: Glenn Broad 2010: Darrell Becker 2010: Dan Robertson 2009: Roy Wilson 2009: Murray James 2009: David Grieser 2009: Dennis Dahl

11 2015 inductees Barry Watt Verne EnrightVern Gelette

12 member’s choice awards rookie team of the year Rock of Ages Hammer Time The Anne Margrocks Boys IV Men The Short and the Curlers

13 member’s choice awards most fun team to play Hearts of Stone Devils with Brooms Sweeping Around Fifty Shades of Gay Asstrogliderz

14 member’s choice awards outstanding spare Armand Yousif Randie Parliament Krista Frazee Eddie MacNaughton

15 member’s choice awards best team name The Curldashians C.U.R.L.R. Asstrogliderz Summoning Dorby Nordby Grab YOUR Stick (Let’s Measure) Fifty Shades of Gay

16 member’s choice awards most improved team Becker Hammer Time Tight Ends, Loose Morals

17 member’s choice awards best team uniform (oops!)

18 member’s choice awards best team uniform Asstrogliderz

19 league prizes division playoff champions divisions A through F league champion season points leader

20 thank you… David Thill, Mark Trowell, Gerhard Maynard Ann de le Hay, Ryan Scmidt, Norm Scott, and the whole VCC Ice and Lounge staff Bob Halifax, Greg Gale, Dennis Dahl, Jason Tusor, Josh Drummond, Chris Fysh, and our volunteers! Arts Club, Masc, Gravely and Sons

21 see you next year! registration for our 2015/16 season will open online in August see you on the ice in September!

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