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Regional Civilizations SOL 5. What empire emerged as a political and economic power after the Conquest of Constantinople in 1453? A: The Ottoman Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Civilizations SOL 5. What empire emerged as a political and economic power after the Conquest of Constantinople in 1453? A: The Ottoman Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Civilizations SOL 5

2 What empire emerged as a political and economic power after the Conquest of Constantinople in 1453? A: The Ottoman Empire


4 After being conquered by the Ottomans Constantinople was renamed: A: Istanbul

5 What was the original location of the Ottoman Empire? A: Asia Minor (modern day country of TURKEY)


7 The major religion for the Ottoman Empire was: A: Islam

8 What areas did the Ottoman empire expand over? A: SW Asia South Eastern Europe/ Balkan Peninsula North Africa


10 What were the Ottoman empire’s main two trade items? A: Coffee Ceramics

11 The Mughal (Mogul) rulers established an empire in what area? A: Northern India

12 Which part of India remained independent and continued international trade? A: Southern India

13 What religion did the Mughals spread into India? A: Islam (remember that this would later divide the area and cause conflict, resulting in the formation of Pakistan)

14 What is the famous Mughal building pictured below? A: Taj Mahal -built as a tomb for the emperor’s wife

15 What Mughal product would later influence the British in their industry? A: Textiles

16 The Mughal empire traded with Europe by establishing: A: Trading Outposts

17 What 3 products did Southern India trade? A: Silks Spices gems

18 True or False: Japan and China sought to increase trade with Europe from 1500-1800. A: FALSE

19 How did China attempt to limit the influence of European merchants? A: By creating foreign enclaves (areas where foreign merchants were restricted to)

20 What were two major products Europeans sought from China? A: Tea Porcelain

21 Japan tried to limit foreign influences by adopting the policy of: A: Isolationism

22 What person in Japan’s government was worshipped even though he held no real power? A: The Emperor

23 What was the title given to the military leader who controlled the emperor? A: The Shogun

24 What things did Africa export in foreign trade? A: Slaves Ivory gold

25 What things did Africa import during their foreign trade? Manufactured Goods New Food products (ex. Corn, peanuts)

26 What was the name for the new economic system developed by European countries that linked them with colonies and resources? A: Mercantilism


28 One reason countries adopted Mercantilism was so that they could become _____________________ (not having to rely on or buy imports from other countries). A: Self-sufficient

29 True or False: Colonies existed mainly for the benefit of the parent country. A: TRUE

30 What were 2 elements of the Commercial revolution? A: New money and banking systems Formation of colonies Trying to find new markets and resources

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