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Anglophone West School District Education Council Sustainability Study – Burton Elementary School Executive Summary and Appendix to Superintendent Monitoring.

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1 Anglophone West School District Education Council Sustainability Study – Burton Elementary School Executive Summary and Appendix to Superintendent Monitoring Report ASD-W-EL7 January 28, 2016

2 Executive Summary The Sustainability Study for Burton Elementary School was initiated by a motion of the District Education Council (DEC) on June 11, 2015, at the regularly scheduled public DEC meeting. This direction replaced an earlier request for an exemption of study for Burton Elementary School. The Council, Superintendent and relevant staff coordinated the study that followed the process as outlined in Provincial Policy 409: Multi-year School Infrastructure Planning, Sections 6.4 and 6.5. Burton Elementary School is considered a “triggered school” due to its enrolment of less than 100 students. Burton Elementary is a K-2 school.

3 Executive Summary This process included three public meetings, formal correspondence with parents, communications with district staff, opportunities to meet with stakeholders, electronic communication, and an overall willingness to share information publically throughout the study. The public meetings were well attended by DEC and the Councilors also spent time in working sessions with staff to learn more about the school scenario. The DEC had access to relevant documentation. The public consultation and communications were mostly respectful throughout the study and stakeholders from the community were engaged in the process.

4 Executive Summary The three possible outcomes were described to those who participated in the study, including the possibility of: A DEC vote for Status Quo A DEC vote to recommend investment in the school to repair it A DEC vote to recommend closing the school and moving the students to another location for their schooling Recommendations from above would go to the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. If there was a vote to recommend closure of Burton Elementary School, it was understood that the option would be to move the students to Assiniboine Avenue Elementary School for their K-2 studies.

5 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness The Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development was informed of the intention to study Burton Elementary School, in writing on June 12, 2015. The Superintendent wrote formally to parents of Burton Elementary School six times between June, 2015 and January, 2016, the duration of the study. These letters kept the parent population and others stakeholders apprised of the study process. A formal timeline was also provided to the parent population and stakeholders. Each of these documents are available publically and are a part of the final report (submitted to the Minister if Status Quo is not the outcome).

6 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness Documentation (requested and otherwise developed) that provided relevant information about Burton Elementary School (and some neighboring schools) was shared publically. A number of these documents are a part of the final report. These documents were used as a basis for study by DEC members and as a catalyst for conversation.

7 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 The first public meeting in this study was held at the Burton Lions Club on October 13, 2015. Approximately 32 members of the community attended. The Superintendent presented the sustainability study process as well as pertinent information as outlined in Section 6.4.4 of Policy 409. This presentation, an agenda, notes for the meeting and an audio file of the meeting were made public through a district website section dedicated to the study.

8 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Enrolment and Functional Capacity September 30, 2015, enrolment of Burton Elementary School (BES) is listed at 48 students. These students make up 3 classes (K, Gr1 and Gr2). Assiniboine Avenue Elementary School (AAES) has 244 students and 13 classes (K=4, Gr1=4 and Gr2=5). Enrolment at BES is projected to decline slightly. It is noted that being adjacent to a Canadian Forces Base makes it more difficult to project enrolment for the future due to military postings and where new families choose to live. Projected enrolment of the presented scenario, should Burton close, would be 270 students for 2016-17. AAES could accommodate the students from BES without changing the main structure of the building.

9 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Enrolment and Functional Capacity Current functional capacity at Burton Elementary is 57.1% and at Assiniboine Elementary it is 64.8%. Together, the functional capacity would become 71.4% next year, based on enrolment projections. NOTE: Some numbers used throughout the study were from September, 2014 enrolment where other numbers used were from September, 2015; this was due to the timing of the presentation and document creation.

10 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Health and Safety and Building Assessment Built in 1961. Building is safe and in acceptable condition, with varying levels of conditions for specific parts of the building. $573 000 estimated for capital improvement projects, including big-ticket items such as a ventilation system and an elevator. There are 6 capital improvement projects listed, with one being a priority-1, three being a priority-2 and two being a priority-3. Priority-1 is considered most urgent.

11 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Educational Programs and Services Burton Elementary School had been below district and provincial averages in the Provincial Grade 2 Reading Assessment since 2010-11 and until 2013-14, where they met target with 91.7% attaining acceptable or above. Currently, BES is sitting at 78.9% appropriate level or above in 2015, which is slightly above district and provincial averages. There is a professional and quality staff and administration at BES that serves student learning very well.

12 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Educational Programs and Services The class sizes are at 11 for Kindergarten, 19 for Grade 1 (now 21) and 18 for Grade 2. There is not a full-sized gymnasium. Many extra opportunities are available to the students with thanks to innovative staff and support from the community. Students have an opportunity to provide quality feedback through good relationships with their teachers.

13 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Transportation A move to Assiniboine would result in a revamping of the entire K-12 bus runs from Burton to Oromocto. There would be some overall efficiencies found. The longest drive would be approximately 50-60 minutes; the current longest ride is approximately 55 minutes. With a newly revamped busing schedule, it is hard to predict more precise times. The distance from BES to AAES is 11.3 km.

14 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Finances BES utility costs are estimated at $28.26 per square meter (average is $29.20 for elementary schools) and $387.17 per student (average is $480.35 per student). Projected savings should BES move to AAES would be $162 780 annually, with a one time capital avoidance of $573 000 and a one time cost of about $6 500. It is noted that these projections include priority 1, 2 and 3 capital projects.

15 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Impact on the Local Community A move to Oromocto would require further travel for parents with respect to their involvement in the school; some parents may travel to Oromocto or Fredericton for work. School is said to be the heart of the community and it is the only school in the Burton side of the local service district. A strong sense of community in relation to the school is evident. School families enjoy the small school setting for these younger children.

16 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #1 Impact on Other Schools Assiniboine Avenue Elementary School could welcome Burton Elementary School students seamlessly and with open arms; Burton Elementary School catchment students in grades 3 to 5 already attend school in Oromocto at Hubbard Avenue Elementary School. In both schools, there are professional and caring staff who would help ease any transition that may occur. Economic Development Burton is a part of a local service district that includes the Community of Geary. There are a variety of small business and service groups in the community. The potential of new families moving to Burton as a result of being near the Canadian Forces Base was presented.

17 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #2 The second public meeting in this study was held at the Burton Lions Club on December 8, 2015. Approximately 60 members of the community attended. Leadership from the PSSC and the community presented to the public, district staff and the DEC. These presentations touched on the eight criteria outlined in Policy 409. Letters of support for status quo were also shared. In fact, the overall theme of the evening was to encourage a vote for status quo. Major concerns centered around loss of the school as the heart of the community, loss of small class sizes and loss of the opportunity to learn in their own community elementary school. The presentations also focused on the many successes at the school, including strong academic results, good community relationships and a building that was in satisfactory condition. The community expressed a concern for decreased economic viability should the school close. Two presentations challenged the numbers presented by the Superintendent throughout the study, presenting an alternate view. These presentations, an agenda, notes for the meeting and an audio file of the meeting were made public through a district website section dedicated to the study. They are all included in the final report.

18 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Opportunities to Engage Stakeholders within the community were engaged in a variety of ways. PSSC leadership played an active role in communication with the district and organization of relevant feedback to district staff and the Council. An online discussion board was active and regularly monitored; a transcript of the conversation is included in the final report. The discussion board was located on an active website specific to the study and home to the relevant documentation now taking shape in the form of a final report. This report will remain public. Letters, emails and phone calls were also suitable means of communication outside the public meetings. The superintendent met with the PSSC as a part of engagement in the study. Advertisements regarding the study and meetings were placed in the local newspapers. Posters regarding the study and meetings were placed in strategic locations in the Community of Burton.

19 Public Consultation and Application of Procedural Fairness – Public Meeting #3 The third public meeting in this study is being held at Fredericton High School tonight (January 28, 2016). Approximately ___ members of the public are present, representing communities related to four sustainability studies. This presentation serves as an executive summary and closing comments leading up to discussion by Council and a subsequent motion and vote on the study. This presentation, an agenda, and the superintendent monitoring report will be included on our district website section dedicated to the study. They will all be included in the final report. The official minutes for the meeting and an audio file of the meeting will be made public, as per the monthly routine. The minutes will be sent to the Minister, as required and once approved. The Chair will write to Minister Serge Rousselle with the motion and indicating status quo if voting for option 1, or The Chair will write to Minister Rousselle with the motion, the recommendation and the accompanying information package if voting for Option 2 (Requesting Investment for Repairs) or Option 3 (Requesting Approval for Closure). The Superintendent will write to the Parents/Guardians of the students at Burton Elementary School with the conclusion of the study.

20 DEC Reflections and Considerations DEC Members took time to review documents and ask many questions of the Superintendent. DEC met in a number of working sessions to continue the conversations and reflect on the information. DEC Members would, on occasion, contact the Superintendent with questions related to the sustainability study.

21 Minister’s Responsibilities If a closure is recommended by the DEC, Minister Rousselle will review the report and assess it for procedural fairness. The Minister will need to reach a conclusion on the recommendation in a time frame of no less than 30 days and no longer than 60 days, as per Policy 409. Upon confirmation of the conclusion from the Minister, the Superintendent will write to the parents/guardians and staff at Burton Elementary School.

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