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1 Design and Implementation of A Primitive Web Service iiWAS 2005 19-21 September 2005 Takashi KOSHIDA Matsue National College of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Design and Implementation of A Primitive Web Service iiWAS 2005 19-21 September 2005 Takashi KOSHIDA Matsue National College of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Design and Implementation of A Primitive Web Service iiWAS 2005 19-21 September 2005 Takashi KOSHIDA Matsue National College of Technology

2 2 The content of my presentation 1. Introduction Some background/Problems 2. Primitive Web Service (PWS) Definition and merits 3. Development of a B2B procurement system using PWS Use-case, System architecture 4. Experimental results 5. Conclusion

3 3 1. Introduction B2B system is now widely used. But it is limited to regular transactions. However, SOAP,UDDI and WSDL has enabled world-wide dynamic business transactions. But, we think, not enough. Because, there are three problems. It is difficult find the Web Service that users want to use or need, understand how to use it, 3.and to make a client program (stub) for executing a web service.

4 4 We have solved the 3 rd problem [8-12]. And, in this paper, we focused on the 1 st and 2 nd problems. And to solve these, we proposed the concept of primitive web service.

5 5 Web Service is the distributed processing technology on Web. XML is used for data exchange. The make up of Web Service Service RequesterService Provider SOAP retrieval registration/publish execution UDDI WSDL

6 6 2. Primitive web service(PWS) Proposal of primitive web service UDDI registry needs as foundation for unifying management of web services on Internet. But, there is no rules for naming, function representation and input-and-output parameters of web service. So, user confirms each time the function of web service and input-and-output parameter. By standardization, we can understand and confirm easily these items.

7 7 Definition and merits PWS is defined as follows, fundamental web services with a unified name, function, and input/output IF, which can be used commonly for various activities in many business fields. Merits Ambiguity and uncertainty are resolved. Once users understand a function and input/output interface, next time they can easily use it. For arbitrary business process, users can combine these PWS.

8 8 3. Development of a B2B procurement System using PWS Use-case As a use-case, we have assumed a good procurement process involving beer brewers, a wholesaler and retailers. Scenario is that a wholesaler selects the brewer of lowest price goods and orders it. PWS :stock-management, goods-order-received, credit-check All of brewers provide a stock- management and a goods-order-received PWS. All of credit research firms provide a credit-check PWS.

9 9 (1)Delivery-of-goods demand (2)Trust check demand (3)Trust check reply (6)Goods selection and order (4)Inventory check and price estimate demand (5) Inventory check and price estimate reply (7)Completion of a maker goods order received (8)Completion of a goods order received Work-flow in a use-case and system architecture Three brewers provide the same PWS. Fig 1.

10 10 Fig 2. Web Service Deployment at the brewer These are actual examples for deployment of PWS. These PWS work at the brewer.

11 11 Fig 3. Web Service Deployment at the credit research firm This PWS works at the credit research firm.

12 12 Fig 4. Agents that work at the wholesaler Three agents work at the wholesaler and control the execution of PWS. Next we present in detail.

13 13 First, a wholesaler receives a goods order request from a new retailer, and performs a retailer credit inquiry using an agent (CreditServiceAgent1) under a client agent's (client1) control. (1) A goods order received and a credit inquiry 4. Experimental results

14 14 Input data Output result Execution of getCredit The execution result of the credit check for the retailer. Fig 5. Retailer ’ s credit inquiry execution

15 15 If the credit of the retailer is confirmed (Fig.5), the “ stock-management ” (getStockdetails) of the three brewers will be executed one by one using agent (StockSeriveAgent7). This agent will then display each maker's stock and price estimate result. The input data for the stock- management service is shown in Fig.6. This input data will be automatically set for the three brewers' web service once it is specified. (2) An inventory check and a price estimate

16 16 Input data Execution of getStockdetails Fig 6. Execution of the stock-management web service After credit confirmation

17 17 The output result of the getStockdetails for three brewers are shown as like Fig 7. An agent (StockServiceAgent7) compares these results, selects the goods with the lowest price, and reports to the wholesaler. (3) Goods selection and order

18 18 Fig 7. Execution results Execution results of getStockdetails for three brewers This is lowest price among three brewers. Execution results of getStockdetails for three brewers

19 19 The selected result is shown in the top part of Fig 8. The least expensive is “Blue Beer” of maker 2. The wholesaler will place an order for goods to the selected maker using the agent (StockServiceAgent7). The maker that receives the order will execute an order-received process using "goods order-received" (getOrders), and returns the completion message of an order received to the wholesaler. The order- received processing result is shown in the lower part of Fig 8. (3) Goods selection and order (Cont.)

20 20 Selection result by agent Order request (Execution of getOrders) Fig 8. Goods selection result by agent

21 21 5. Conclusion We have proposed a primitive web service in which the name, function, and input/output interface is unified into a meaning should be prepared for every minimum unit of a business process. Then we have implemented the primitive web services and agents that control these as a B2B procurement system.

22 22 Various other business processes need to be analyzed so that appropriate general-purpose PWS can be developed. To do this, we will have to examine in detail, The nature and contents of input/output data for each business process unit, the module size needed for a primitive web service, and which design techniques best enable widespread use and reuse. This is a proto-type and incomplete, so as a future work,

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