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132 CBA Review 131 12/16/2015 Starter: Compare and Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of coal and wind 12/16/2015 Practice/Application/Connection/Exit:

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Presentation on theme: "132 CBA Review 131 12/16/2015 Starter: Compare and Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of coal and wind 12/16/2015 Practice/Application/Connection/Exit:"— Presentation transcript:

1 132 CBA Review 131 12/16/2015 Starter: Compare and Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of coal and wind 12/16/2015 Practice/Application/Connection/Exit: CBA Review EQ: Where does energy come from and where does it go?

2 Table of Contents DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 11/19 Minerals and their Properties 113-114 11/30 Types of Chemical Reactions 115-116 12/1 Chemical Reactions Activity 117-118 12/2 Chemical Reactions lab 119-120 12/3 Chemistry Test Review 121-122 12/7-8 Energy Resources 123-126 12/9-10 Energy Resource Cards 127-128 12/14-15 Energy Pamphlet 129-130 12/16 CBA review 131-132

3 8 th Grade Science CBA #1 11/14/2013

4 Question 1 A student placed 2 grams of baking soda in a balloon and 100 mL of vinegar in an Erlenmeyer flask. After stretching the opening of the balloon across the neck of the flask, the student raised it to dump the baking soda into the flask. He immediately observed foaming bubbles in the flask and the balloon began to expand. What can the student concluded from that? The bubbles indicate a chemical reaction (chemical change) occurred

5 Question 2 What describes the structure of an atom? A nucleus made up of protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of electrons

6 Question 3 On which side of the periodic table are the elements most reactive? The Left side (specifically group 1)

7 Question 4 How many atoms are in glucose? 24 atoms C 6 H 12 0 6  Glucose C= 6 H= 12 0= 6 2 4

8 Question 5 Elements with similar chemical properties are found where? In the same group (vertical column) on the periodic table.

9 Question 6 55 g of Calcium How much calcium would you need to balance this equation?

10 Question 7 Describe this model and what it represents. Bohr model of an atom. The x represents the nucleus which contains neutrons (mass, no charge) and protons (mass, positive charge)

11 Question 8 How are elements on the Periodic table arranged? Atomic number increases in order as you move from left to right and top to bottom. Grouped by similar properties.

12 Question 9 What is the difference between physical and chemical changes? Chemical changes form something new as where physical does not

13 Question 10 What properties are used when identifying a mineral? Color Luster Streak Cleavage and Fracture Density Hardness

14 Question 11 What happened in the test tube after two clear liquids were mixed? A precipitate (solid) formed indicating a chemical reaction.

15 Question 12 What is the difference between an atom, element, and a compound? An atom is the smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element An element is a substance made of only one kind of atom A compound is two or more elements joined together by a chemical bond

16 Question 13 The model show is an atom of Calcium. Draw two elements from periods 1-3 that would have similar properties as Calcium and name them. BE and Mg

17 Question 14 What does a chemical reaction tell you? In a chemical reaction, the _______________________ tells you the number of molecules of each _______________________________ and the number of molecules of each _________________________. Coefficient Reactant Product

18 Question 15 What is the density of a sample that has a mass of 14.7 g and a volume of 2.2 cm³ Density = mass/volume. 14.7g/2.2cm³ = 6.7 g/cm³

19 Question 16 What are the main elements that all living (organic) things are made of? Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen

20 Question 17 Which substance in the following equation is classified as an element? CO + H 2 O CO 2 + H 2 H2

21 Question 18 On what side of the period table will you find metals? Non-metals? Metalloids? Metals- On the left Nonmetals- On the right Metalloids – Along jagged line

22 132 CBA Review 131 12/16/2015 Starter: Compare and Contrast the advantages and disadvantages of coal and wind 12/16/2015 Practice/Application/Connection/Exit: CBA Review EQ: Where does energy come from and where does it go?

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