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Net Neutrality and Quality of Service. OVERVIEW Transparency and more strict regulation IAS versus specialized services NN and monitoring of overall IAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Net Neutrality and Quality of Service. OVERVIEW Transparency and more strict regulation IAS versus specialized services NN and monitoring of overall IAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Net Neutrality and Quality of Service

2 OVERVIEW Transparency and more strict regulation IAS versus specialized services NN and monitoring of overall IAS QoS Evaluation of ISP traffic management TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia2

3 EU legal regulation of IAS QoS USO art 22 TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 3 Article 22 (1) - Transparency requires undertakings that provide publicly available electronic communications networks and/or services to publish comparable, adequate and up-to-date information for end-users on the quality Article 22 (2) – QoS parameters definition NRA may specify the quality of service parameters to be measured and the content, form and manner of the information to be published, including possible quality certification mechanisms, in order to ensure that end-users,… Article 22 (3) – Min QoS requirements NRA in order to prevent the degradation of service and the hindering or slowing down of traffic over networks, shall be able to set minimum quality of service requirements

4 EU policy on NN - TSM TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 4 EC Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down measures concerning the European single market for electronic communications and to achieve a Connected Continent (TSM). (Still a draft) Article 23 - Freedom to provide and avail of open internet access, and reasonable traffic management End-users shall be free to access and distribute information and content, run applications and use services of their choice via their Internet access service. The provision of specialized services shall not impair in a recurring or continuous manner the general quality of internet access services. Net Neutrality issue has been legally implemented in few EU MS, namely in Netherland and Slovenia.

5 EU policy on NN – TSM (2) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 5 Providers of internet access services shall not restrict the freedoms provided for in paragraph 1 by blocking, slowing down, degrading or discriminating against specific content, applications or services, or specific classes thereof, except in cases where it is necessary to apply reasonable traffic management measures.

6 Role of QoS for the implementation of Net Neutrality TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 6 Specialized services versus IAS Specialized services are electronic communications services that are provided and operated within closed electronic communications networks using the Internet Protocol. These networks are often optimized for specific applications based on extensive use of traffic management in order to ensure adequate service characteristics. Internet access service is a publicly available electronic communications service that provides connectivity to the Internet.

7 Role of QoS for the implementation of Net Neutrality TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 7

8 Role of QoS for the implementation of Net Neutrality (2) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 8 Provision of specialized services may limit IAS IAS and specialized services use the same “pipeline”- shares access resources at physical layer. Specialized services operates under defined required network performance. Remaining resources is for “best effort” IAS. Increased number of specialized services or/and it’s users may cause degradation of IAS.

9 Role of QoS for the implementation of Net Neutrality (3) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 9 How to detect this degradation of IAS? Monitoring of IAS quality Reactive monitoring (end-users complaints could be a source to launch such monitoring) Proactive monitoring – day by day monitoring of IAS overall QoS Monitoring in order to detect unfair traffic management issues

10 Monitoring of general IAS quality TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 10 QoS parameters to monitor Download transmission speed (Mean and Minimum) Upload transmission speed (Mean and Minimum) Delay (Mean) Delay variation(Mean) Packet Loss Ratio (Mean) Packet Error Ratio (Mean)

11 Monitoring of general IAS quality (2) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 11 Currently Popular configuration for evaluation IAS QoS

12 Monitoring of general IAS quality (3) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 12 Measurements systems Software based or hardware based ? System operated by NRA or by ISP’s or by third party? Speedometer or fully controlled system? Any choice has advantages and disadvantages BEREC has been investigating this item

13 Monitoring of general IAS quality (4) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 13 Value of the measurement results – it is important to have valid data to decide whether there is a degradation of IAS. Measurement system should be objective, robust and legally grounded, and information should be provided about the measurement method and results.

14 Monitoring in order to detect unfair traffic management issues TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 14 Blocking and trothing of specific applications ISP only transports packets at this lower Network Layer, and cannot (directly) impact the layers above it But how ISP can act in order to degrade specific applications ? A packet can be delivered immediately, delayed or discarded increased of delay to only some packets increased of delay variation to only some packets limiting the throughput: allow a certain number of packets (or bytes) per second to pass unhampered, but drop (or delay) packets above this threshold

15 Monitoring in order to detect unfair traffic management issues (2) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 15 Examples of possible unfair ISP traffic management : Extra latency based on HTTP-header Throttling based on HTTP-header Increasing loss based on IP-address

16 Monitoring in order to detect unfair traffic management issues (3) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 16 Deep packet inspection (DPI) is becoming popular among ISPs DPI with other tools helps for ISP to perform it’s network traffic management But … could be used to discriminate applications.

17 Monitoring in order to detect unfair traffic management issues (4) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 17 How to detect these? Blocking of specific applications or ports is easy to detect To detect the unfair traffic management in order to degrade of specific applications requires sophisticated technical methods !

18 Monitoring in order to detect unfair traffic management issues (4) TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 18 Available tools M-Lab “Glasnost”, “Neubot”, “NDT (Network Diagnostic Test)”

19 Conclusions IAS quality monitoring is a practical tool to evaluate if NN is fulfiled Overall QoS evaluation methods could be different but in terms of NN have many common approaches Detection of ISP’s intentional degradation of specific applications is sophisticated needs future development TAIEX Workshop 2014 Kosovo Virgilijus Stundžia 19


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